Yearly Archives | 2017

Programming C: Posts 14 – Import and export files in C / C ++

During the programming process, we often have to read and write data to a file. This article will guide you how to make simple with C and C ++. Noted: In the example below, the input and output files in the same folder with the source files. Example: Cho file input.txt, The first line consists of 1 n is the number of friends, n the next line per line […]

Notification switch blog domain name

Hello everyone, to facilitate the search, as well as for you to remember to blog, I decided to change the domain name to the blog from (Distance Learning). This also makes the blog google search friendly so that you can easily access to more blog. We hope you will continue to support and recommend the blog to blog more friends […]

Answers Student Computing OLP ICTU 2017

HINTS solution OLP EXAM STUDENTS NEWS ICTU 2017 Here's Threads, guide the, explanation of exam. The code is written in C language, other languages ​​do the same. All posts are entered using the standard output (typing, output to the screen). Download PDF File Last 1: Revenue (50 point) Threads: The turnover of Runtime: 1 cause points: […]

Online courses in unica with losers 40%

Hello everyone, today I will guide you to register courses at unica onlin with discounts up to code 40% for all courses. Ie if the course is worth 1 million, then you just take 600 alone with thousands of losers nguyenvanquan7826 1. Search for suitable courses visit the website you will find a list and courses […]

Formula 5W-2H work

Many people in the world do not have the formula to work, they often do not perform well how. This article briefly outlined his formula will work called Formula 5W-2H. 5W Includes: 1. Why: This is the most important. It determines whether you should do it. When you start to do something, Please think carefully about why you […]

Analysis prime factors

Threads: Analyze some achievements of the prime factors With this article you need to recall the prime factors is and how to analyze a number of prime factors. Integrate the prime factor is the multiplication between the numbers together in which all numbers are primes. Example: 10 = 2 * 5. In that 2 and […]

Introducing series programming thinking exercises

I've pretty much guide you to learn programming, however many you thinking not so good to solve the problem. You usually do not think is the form that is to do this, there must be something. Ie when experiencing a completely new post, you can not or very difficult to solve it. So I wrote the series […]

Exercise bank earnings

Exercise bank deposits and bank interest are downright practical exercises but also helps programmers thinking abilities very high. This article we are going to learn some lessons about it. Threads: One savers no limit to the amount a period at an interest rate 0.3% every month. Asked after n months, that person will be drained of money, […]

Point classmates

Threads 1: Enter a list of classmates. Print the biggest screen in the classroom Based on the assignment we can determine this is the problem of finding the largest number in the array (has been mentioned in all the biggest search). To do this, we first need to enter is the list points – ie import array. We want to import array […]

Password checking program

Threads: Write a program that checks the user password when logging. Users must log in to when the correct username and password out loud. (username and password defined in the program) In reality, You will encounter this problem a lot when building software, wesbite that log function. So this problem is extremely helpful. First […]