Archive | EN Pascal

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 10: Files in pascal – File Type

1 The concept of file: The file is a sequence of elements of the same type are arranged sequentially. The data files are stored in external memory under a certain name. File aggregation in it some element of data has the same structure but different array like array element number of the file is not defined. [qads] In Pascal 3 file types […]

[Pascal – TUT] – Posts 11 : Pointers in Pascal

Since posting the order a bit of confusion to all 10: Files in pascal - file type was written earlier, you see here nhé. During the work we often have to work with the long list and of course we will consider using the array immediately. However, the use of the array is not always, with the long list […]

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 7: Subroutine

1. Benefits of using subprograms(CTC) – The program has multiple segments each segment perform a certain function{ then we used to do ctc segments on} – In the program, There are sections need to go up, repeated many times in different places. To avoid having to rewrite the paragraph that people usually classified into several CTC program […]

[Algorithm] Count the squares

All taken from the exam: CONTESTS COMPUTING NATIONAL CHILD XIX th - 2013, TABLE B TEST SUBJECT - HIGH SCHOOL FACILITIES. [qads] Threads: For a square table size n × n grid is divided into units, the peak position of the unit squares are called mesh. People want to count the number of squares correspond […]

[Pascal – TUT Basic] Posts 1: Overview of Pascal

The article introduces the total pass on Pascal, the structure of a program and the program pascal hello world.

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 4: Enumeration, the passage, collective

This article we will learn about the types listed, the passage, collective [qads] Original article:

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 5: Arrays

1. Concept Arrays (Array) is a set of fixed elements of the same type called type element. The element type can be scalar type, String, type collections, Record type. [qads] 2. Arrays 1 afternoon a. How to Claim 1: How to 2: Wherein the child must be a domain type, scalar type listed, char or boolean. {However. people often […]

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 6: String

You. Character (tank) 1. Concept char type used to represent the characters of the alphabet, digits and special characters. To perform the information you need to arrange the characters in a table, It is usually arranged in ASCII. ASCII there 256 characters, Each character is assigned codes from 0 to 255. 2. Some related content […]

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 8: Unit

The creation of the subroutine in a program made to programming objects and much more. However, This program is effective only child in our program contains only, in another program wants to use the program are required to write to them, so very laborious. To remedy, they collect the subroutine […]

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 2: The basic components of Pascal

1. Charset, key word, name of a. Charset, sign in Pascal 26 Large Latin alphabet: The,…,From 26 Latin small letter: the,…,z Mark underlined: _ Department of decimal places: 0,…,9 The mathematical symbols: + – * / = < > ( ) The special symbols: . , ‘ : ; [] ? % @ | ! & # $ {} […]