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[WordPress] Mark formulas on wordpress not use MathType

There are plenty of articles to guide you type equations in wordpress but the instructions were mostly resorting to MathType. However many people do not have MathType then how, Typically you are currently using Ubuntu operating system without MathType. Today I will guide you type equations on wordpress not use MathType on and blogs First […]

[WordPress] Replace Older posts in pages

Usually wordpress theme are only link "Older posts" and "Newer posts" at the bottom of the page makes us more trouble when the amount of articles we have many. This article I will guide you how to Replace Older posts as shown by the number of pages…

[wordpress] Tạo Child Theme

As you already know to get a nice interface, finding is important theme, but have not found a pleasant theme of our, sometimes we need to edit the pleasant. And if you are not careful your edits will be lost when you update the theme. So child theme help us avoid such incidents.

[WordPress] Show edit link in post

There are a lot of wordpress theme does not display the edit link (edit button) in the article. To display the edit link in wordpress I use the function…

Error delete blank lines in SyntaxHighlighter – Bug remove empty line in SyntaxHighlighter

Recently when using SyntaxHighlighter plugin to display code on his blog is faulty blank lines in the code to make your code look and separates the sections together lost. After some learn it by plugin…

[Trick] Get the first image in the post as avatar Posts

During the “move” This was my error when importing data from the old blog, it is up to their images are no media including avatar Posts (image thumbnail) when you set the featured image for the article. Fortunately, the photos in your article almost full up to then inserted should not lose but featured image, it would be up […]

[Trick] Timer automatically post in wordpress

Sometimes you want to post multiple threads immediately? Because he had so much inspiration flowing and if not done right will forget =)). But then you ought to win by automatic timer post at a certain time to make up for the days head darkness =)). Why so, That is because I do not want Blog at […]

[Trick] Disconnect Jetpack plugin to

When used in wordpress plugin can you set jetpack, it is a plugin that allows “veal” many features of to if you connect with But if you want to disconnect jetpack with single blog My Blog authors just go and hang alone. This is where the show all your wordpress blog. Read in English here

Lunar insertion into wordpress

This article will guide you insert the lunar calendar and date sugar in wordpress. Note that the code is only used for free blog but do not. This application by the author Ho Ngoc Duc write, you copy paste the following code into wordpress widget is. Then you will be like the following calendar:

[Wordpess] Show on wordpress code with syntax highlighted – Posting Source Code on wordpress with syntax highlighted

How can you put a code on wordpress? The best solution is that you use Syntax Highlighter to keep the formatting and it even helps you highlight the key words in each language you write something like this: With, it was built on a system you use only, but if you use […]