Programming C: Posts 12 – List of links set in array

List of links can be installed in arrays or pointers. In this article I will show you how to use arrays :), Type this list is often called the next list.

1. Settings (report) list

To declare this list we should have 1 array with a maximum number of elements N data type is item (This is the type of data item overview, when it will be int, structure type float or students). Need more 1 variable size represents the number of elements existing list.
Specifically, the following:

#define N 100 //so phan tu toi da la 100
typedef int item;
/*kieu cac phan tu la item
ma cu the o day item la kieu int */
typedef struct
    item Elems[N]; //mang kieu item
    int size; //so phan tu toi da cua mang
}List; //kieu danh sach List

2. Initialize empty list

Our list is empty when the number of elements in the list by 0. So just declare the size of the one in 0 is.

void Init(List *L) //ham khoi tao danh sach rong
/*Danh sach L duoc khai bao kieu con tro
de khi ra khoi ham no co the thay doi duoc*/
    (*L).size = 0; //size = 0.

3. Check the list is empty, complete list

To check the list is empty or full of just the look of the elements of the list by 0 or not (hollow) and by N or not (full).

int Isempty (List L)
    return (L.size==0);

int Isfull (List L)
    return (L.size==N);

4. Insert element into position k in list

Before inserting elements in the list we should build 1 function returns data (input data) element to insert it.

item init_x() //khoi tao gia tri x
    int temp;
    return temp;

Then proceed to insert:
During insertion we need to check if the list is full, enter location k to insert and check it, if appropriate (0<to<N =) will proceed to insert.
To insert the element x at position k in list (in the array) we need 1 loop to move from location k elements towards the end of the array, then insert x at position k. Finally we increase the size up 1 unit.

Insert element in the list
Insert element in the list
int Insert_k (List *L, item x, int k)//chen x vao vi tri k
    if (Isfull(*L)) //kiem tra danh sach day
        printf("Danh sach day !");
        return 0;

    if (k<1 || k>(*L).size+1) //kiem tra dieu kien vi tri chen
        printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !\n");
        return 0;
    printf ("Nhap thong tin: ");
    x = init_x(); //gan x = ham khoi tao x
    int i;
    //di chuyen cac phan tu ve cuoi danh sach
    for (i = (*L).size; i >= k; i--)
        (*L).Elems[i] = (*L).Elems[i-1];
    (*L).Elems[k-1]=x;//chen x vao vi tri k
    (*L).size++;//tang size len 1 don vi.
    return 1;

5. Enter list

Enter as usual array

void Input (List *L)
    int n;
    printf("Nhap so phan tu cua danh sach: ");
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<(*L).size; i++)
        printf("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i+1);
        (*L).Elems[i] = init_x();

6. Find element x in list

I Browsing through the end of the list if the value of x is given its location.

int Search (List L, item x)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<L.size; i++)
        if (L.Elems[i] == x)
            return i+1;
    return 0;

7. Clear kth element in the list

Before deleting one must check list is empty. If you do not empty into position to remove and inspect (appropriate if 0<to<N =).
We use a for loop to run to position k, then put the elements from the previous k 1 1 unit. However, we need to save the value of the element deleted before deleting to withhold information if we need to use it. Finally, the reduced size down 1 unit.

Remove the element from the list
Remove the element from the list
int Del_k (List *L, item *x, int k)
    if (Isempty(*L))
        printf("Danh sach rong !");
        return 0;
    if (k<1 || k>(*L).size)
        printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !");
        return 0;
    *x=(*L).Elems[k-1]; //luu lai gia tri cua phan tu can xoa
    int i;
    for (i=k-1; i<(*L).size-1; i++) //don cac phan tu ve truoc
    (*L).size--; //giam size
    return 1;

8. Remove element content x in list

To remove the element content x in the list we find elements x conducted before using search function then returns the value of x position, I continue to use the function del_k to delete elements in the position that we find.

int Del_x (List *L, item x)
    if (Isempty(*L))
        printf("Danh sach rong !");
        return 0;

    int i = Search(*L,x);
    if (!i)
        printf("Danh sach khong co %d",x);
        return 0;
        i = Search(*L,x);
    while (i);
    return 1;

9. Complete program (full)


#define N 100 //so phan tu toi da la 100
typedef int item;
/*kieu cac phan tu la item
ma cu the o day item la kieu int */
typedef struct
    item Elems[N]; //mang kieu item
    int size; //so phan tu toi da cua mang
}List; //kieu danh sach List

void Init(List *L); //ham khoi tao danh sach rong
void Init(List *L); //ham khoi tao danh sach rong
int Isempty (List L); //kiem tra danh sach rong
int Isfull (List L); //kiem tra danh sach day
int Insert_k (List *L, item x, int k); //chen x vao vi tri k
void Input (List *L);//nhap danh sach
void Output (List L);//xuat danh sach
int Search (List L, item x); //tim phan tu x trong danh sach
int Del_k (List *L, item *x, int k);//xoa phan tu tai vi tri k
int Del_x(List *L, item x);//xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
item init_x(); //tao phan tu x.


void Init(List *L) //ham khoi tao danh sach rong
/*Danh sach L duoc khai bao kieu con tro
de khi ra khoi ham no co the thay doi duoc*/
    (*L).size = 0; //size = 0.

int Isempty (List L)
    return (L.size==0);

int Isfull (List L)
    return (L.size==N);

item init_x() //khoi tao gia tri x
    int temp;
    return temp;

int Insert_k (List *L, item x, int k)//chen x vao vi tri k
    if (Isfull(*L)) //kiem tra danh sach day
        printf("Danh sach day !");
        return 0;

    if (k<1 || k>(*L).size+1) //kiem tra dieu kien vi tri chen
        printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !\n");
        return 0;
    printf ("Nhap thong tin: ");
    x = init_x(); //gan x = ham khoi tao x
    int i;
    //di chuyen cac phan tu ve cuoi danh sach
    for (i = (*L).size; i >= k; i--)
        (*L).Elems[i] = (*L).Elems[i-1];
    (*L).Elems[k-1]=x;//chen x vao vi tri k
    (*L).size++;//tang size len 1 don vi.
    return 1;

void Input (List *L)
    int n;
    printf("Nhap so phan tu cua danh sach: ");
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<(*L).size; i++)
        printf("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i+1);
        (*L).Elems[i] = init_x();

void Output (List L)
    printf("Danh sach: \n");
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<L.size; i++)

int Search (List L, item x)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<L.size; i++)
        if (L.Elems[i] == x)
            return i+1;
    return 0;

int Del_k (List *L, item *x, int k)
    if (Isempty(*L))
        printf("Danh sach rong !");
        return 0;
    if (k<1 || k>(*L).size)
        printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !");
        return 0;
    *x=(*L).Elems[k-1]; //luu lai gia tri cua phan tu can xoa
    int i;
    for (i=k-1; i<(*L).size-1; i++) //don cac phan tu ve truoc
    (*L).size--; //giam size
    return 1;

int Del_x (List *L, item x)
    if (Isempty(*L))
        printf("Danh sach rong !");
        return 0;

    int i = Search(*L,x);
    if (!i)
        printf("Danh sach khong co %d",x);
        return 0;
        i = Search(*L,x);
    while (i);
    return 1;

int main()
    List L;

    int lua_chon;
    printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:");
    printf("\n1: Kiem tra DS rong");
    printf("\n2: Do dai DS");
    printf("\n3: Chen phan tu x vao vi tri k trong DS");
    printf("\n4: Tim mot phan tu trong DS");
    printf("\n5: Xoa phan tu tai vi tri k");
    printf("\n6: XOa phan tu x trong DS");
    printf("\n7: Thoat");
        printf("\nBan chon: ");
    switch (lua_chon)
        case 1:
            if (Isempty(L)) printf("DS rong !");
            else printf ("DS khong rong !");
        case 2: printf ("Do dai DS la: %d.",L.size);break;
        case 3:
            item x;
            int k;
            printf ("Nhap vi tri can chen: ");
            scanf ("%d",&k);
            if (Insert_k(&L,x,k))
                printf ("DS sau khi chen:\n"); //xuat danh sach sau khi chen
        case 4:
            item x;
            printf ("Moi ban nhap vao phan tu can tim: ");
            int k=Search(L,x);
            if (k) printf ("Tim thay %d trong DS tai vi tri thu: %d",x,k);
            else printf ("Khong tim thay %d trong danh sach !",x);
        case 5:
            int k;
            item x;
            printf ("Nhap vi tri can xoa: ");
            scanf ("%d",&k);
            if (Del_k (&L,&x,k))
                printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
        case 6:
            item x;
            printf ("Nhap phan tu can xoa: ");
            scanf ("%d",&x);
            if (Del_x(&L,x))
                printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
        case 7: break;
    }while (lua_chon !=7);
    return 0;

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