Archive | TT Tree

[Tree] Some operations on a binary search tree

[qads] Binary search tree (CNPTK) is a binary tree in which each node, key lock button is greater consideration of all the nodes of the tree and left the smaller keys of all the nodes of the tree must. Here is an example of a binary search tree: The content structure elements to plant trees Add Browse tree Search Enter a node tree […]

[Binary Tree] Jump binary tree into a binary search tree

How do my very simple. We simply browse to save the elements of the original binary tree into the array, and finally insert the values ​​of the array into trees by inserting 1 Binary Tree Node on ferry. That was 1 binary search tree. Code:

[Tree] Binary Tree students – Student Binary Tree

Construction of binary search trees students (key is the student code). Each student student code, name, point. Browse the list of students, More students, remove a student scores less than 4

[Tree] General tree

Have yourself a lot of time to learn how to install and enter, approval of the general tree, however, only found a way to install a number of methods rather not see the code in and browse the extensive plant specific… There are several ways to install and browse tree, you can consult online. This article only mentions his 1 fraction. Here is the code installed, Import, […]