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Smart switch Hunonic

Hello everyone, Currently I am making all kinds of smart switches Hunonic, This is the first step in a chain of Vietnamese smart home projects. Smart switch Hunonic allows you to control on smartphones and on the luxurious touch surface. Smartphone controls will help us a lot, especially when we want to […]

Android studio terminal adb on mac

I was try many, it run when setup, but after restart Android studio, terminal error adb command not found and I must setup again. Now I found way to make it run forever. Step 1: Open terminalStep 2: Create ~/.zshrc file by command: Step 3: Open this file and paste 2 lines, save and now it work forever.

Consulting experience programming

As a beginner programmer, especially the freshman, you or ask: he only children to learn programming, I ask him for less experienced programmers to learn. Hopefully this will help some of you have concerns similar to the conversation between himself (the right) and a beautiful girlfriend first year (left side). a military salute Alo e e […]

Notification switch blog domain name

Hello everyone, to facilitate the search, as well as for you to remember to blog, I decided to change the domain name to the blog from (Distance Learning). This also makes the blog google search friendly so that you can easily access to more blog. We hope you will continue to support and recommend the blog to blog more friends […]

Online courses in unica with losers 40%

Hello everyone, today I will guide you to register courses at unica onlin with discounts up to code 40% for all courses. Ie if the course is worth 1 million, then you just take 600 alone with thousands of losers nguyenvanquan7826 1. Search for suitable courses visit the website you will find a list and courses […]

[School – Law] Exercise split inheritance

Prep and several brothers and sisters in class arguing about the inherited form of exercise divided very exciting but it has many mixed. Originally mềnh also unexciting opinions. So went reader, collect several types of exercises in the familiar easy-to exam. After a moment of reflection in the night would have said that to understand how […]

[School] Up first, and follow the program service

Up Frist has 5TH TH1: A -> aBc|x => Period(The) = A, x TH2: A -> aBc|B, B -> c|€ => Period(The) = A + Period(B) = A, c, € TH3: A -> BC, B -> b, C -> c => Period(The) = Time(B) = b. At this should not contain ko plus € Frist(C) +TH4: A -> BC, B -> b|€, C -> c => Period(The) = Time(B) = b, €. Go here […]

[School] Exercise xml using xsl transformation

For example, I have an xml file that contains information the coefficient of rank PT 2. Using XSL to read the data in xml PT.

[School] Homework DTC, Scheme, DOM in XML

Threads: An information management program and the student's books borrow description 1 save the TT following libraries: About SV include: Code SV, Full name, class and year of birth. Information of students borrow books include information about the book, day loan, pay day. Each book includes sv borrowed: Code book, title, Publisher, In XB. Newborn […]

[School] Exercise specification DTD structure, XML Schema in

Threads: For shares of 1 students include: Full Name, class, address, sex, date of birth and a transcript, Each record consists of tables: STT, Subject name, semester 1, semester 2, Average score for the whole year. Be specific contents and structure (according to the DTD or XMLSCHEMA) XML document corresponding to the score cards.