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Address: Thuan Thanh - Bac Ninh

77 responses on Introduce

  1. This article was a help em khong a!
    For a text file, Each line contains a format string expression consists of the operations +, –

    – Write a function that calculates the value of an expression format string consists of two operations +, -such: calculate the value of the expression: -12 + 13 + 14 – 15

    – Applying on writing content validity of the expressions read from a file on. Print results screen in the form:

    Expression Results

    – Write a main function uses the maxillary

    1. This article you want to follow any language?, you're stuck partially? (calculation or import export file?).
      This is the code I have test, you can refer to, but should know the parts do not.

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <stdlib.h>
          #include <string.h>
          int cal(char s[])
                  char str [1000];
                  int a, sum = 0;
                  int i=0, l= strlen(s);
                  while (i < l)
                          if (s[i] == '+') i++;
                          sscanf(s + i, "%d", &a);        // lay tung so trong chuoi
                          sum += a;
                          sprintf(str, "%d", a);          // doi so a ra chuoi str de xac dinh vi tri i
                          i += strlen(str);
                  return sum;
          int main()
                  char s[1000], ch;
                  int result;
                  FILE *f = NULL;
                  if (f==NULL)
                          printf("Error opening file");
                          return 0;
                          result = cal(s);
                          printf("%s = %dn", s, result);
                  return 0;
    1. This sum is then you need license plates of each province and then easiest is entered 2 arrays a and b. the[in] Sea contains the provincial vehicle i, b[in] contains the name of the province i, hoặc dùng cấu trúc struct 🙂

    1. Sorry for your answer a bit late! If you write in C # with C nothing anyway?
      You can refer to the following code (new 4 province, you write notes in the remaining provinces crystal array is):

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      char *tinh[] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Cao Bang", "Lang Son", "Bac Giang", "Quang Ninh"};
      int main() {
      	int bien;
      	printf("Nhap vao bien so ");
      	scanf("%d", &bien);
      	if (bien > 10 && bien < 100) 
      		printf("Xe nay thuoc tinh %s", tinh[bien]);
      	return 0;

      Refer to: provincial license plates

  2. try asking players:
    assuming aching need the following expression:
    ( b)*c f /(and g )+d *(and p-)=?
    is written in all languages ​​DC.
    expression on DC properties and look like.

      1. Do not use neatbean should not know, Find out yourself or switch to eclipse that use offline. As for the functions you see on removing excess, lấy những gì bạn cần thôi 🙂

      1. NetBean his run without. For beginners java, so I was not familiar enough, can you guide your tiny detail hear. because doing projects that do not know where to start all

  3. A giúp e vs ạ e cần gấp mai là nộp rồi!
    Viết hàm “tính giá trị 1 biểu thức” đơn giản để tính giá trị 1 biểu thức có phép tính + – * / không xét độ ưu tiên, tính từ trái sang phải.

        1. Vậy càng dễ, cứ duyệt đến đâu tính đến đó chứ sao
          CEO: 1+2*3-4/5 = 3*3-4/5 = 9-4/5=5/5=1

          1. What is e still do not understand? because of all put a lot of library e e have not yet learned

    1. Other articles written in C , or use the full library.
      Then you go from left to right was, taken 2 Some then calculated, then grab 2 Some properties next…

  4. Waiter!Kids are learning java and write game pikachu but you k know how start?you can read the code on the network but dozy a.anh help you with, sir

  5. Nguyen Van Quan ơi,
    thanks to his help, e with computer graphics exercises recommended: “Braille displays on-screen graphics “(bằng Dev C). Thank you very much.

  6. e ask for subroutine call in the main program is in the form of command procedures?
    write a program to calculate the area of ​​a square (required to build the area of ​​a square jaw)
    help e with sir

  7. Military reading a file containing e hoten and diem for inclusion in the list associated with using C ak.dung

    file format

    viet cancer nutrition 9
    vu that 8
    nga phan 8

    1. Read each line, assigned to the case of severance your struct.
      And reading simple files, eg:

      // reading a text file
      #include <iostream>
      #include <fstream>
      #include <string>
      using namespace std;
      int main () {
        string line;
        ifstream myfile ("example.txt");
        if (myfile.is_open())
          while ( getline (myfile,line) )
            cout << line << '\n';
        else cout << "Unable to open file"; 
        return 0;

      Entry and view file details here:

        1. The separation is simple, matter where. You browse from the chain to the chain end, find out where the end of the number, then cut it out.
          CEO:viet cancer nutrition 9
          have 15 characters, final approval from the head to find the location 13 not to score, cut from 0-> 13, from 13-> 14 is finished

          1. it is a simple example but suppose each line of the e file includes age, the separation point ngaysinh hoten how ah

  8. anh có thể hướng dẫn thuật toán chia hai số nguyên cực lớn đc k ạ 😀 em cảm ơn ạ

    1. Cái này cần dùng đến chuỗi. Hiện tại thì a chưa có thời gian viết 🙂 Bạn thông cảm nhé.

      1. bài đấy em làm đc r anh ạ:D giờ em đang học danh sách liên kết , cho em hỏi *list=(*list)->next nghĩa là gì hả anh(list là con trỏ anh ạ), nó có giống với list=list->next k ạ

  9. Star e ear algorithm source code] Dijkstra's algorithm simulation to find the shortest path but e run it nullpoint error

  10. the kind you can not ask why setLayout (null) for that, sir panelButton and panelTableStudent.
    Kids normally setLayout(null) then the button will setBounds(x, and, the, r); but why this case has not been ạ. application tableStudent cungx God maays application button. setBounds(x, and, the, r); deeuf ko dduowcj maf phaiur setLayout(Gridlayout());
    He giair em thichs giumf nhes. thanks you.

    	private JPanel createPanelTableApp() {
    		panelTableApp = new JPanel();
    		panelTableApp.setBounds(25, 25, 550, 700);
    		panelTableApp.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(null, null, TitledBorder.CENTER, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION));
    		return panelTableApp;
    	private JPanel createPanelTextField() {
    		panelTextField = new JPanel();
    		panelTextField.setBounds(25, 25, 550, 250);
    		panelTextField.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(null, null,TitledBorder.CENTER, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION));
    		return panelTextField;
    	private JPanel createPanelButton() {
    		panelButton = new JPanel();
    		panelButton.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0, 10, 0));
    //		panelButton.setLayout(null);
    		panelButton.setBounds(25, 300, 550, 25);
    		panelButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(null, null,TitledBorder.CENTER, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION));
    		return panelButton;
    	private JPanel createPanelTableStudent() {
    		panelTableStudent = new JPanel();
    		panelTableStudent.setLayout(new GridLayout());
    		panelTableStudent.setBounds(25, 360, 550, 350);
    		panelTableStudent.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(null, null, TitledBorder.CENTER, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION));
    		panelTableStudent.add(new JScrollPane(createTableStudent()));
    		return panelTableStudent;
    	private JLabel createLabelIDStudent() {
    		labelIDStudent = new JLabel("ID");
    		labelIDStudent.setBounds(25, 35, 75, 25);
    		return labelIDStudent;
    	private JLabel createLabelNameStudent() {
    		labelNameStudent = new JLabel("Name");
    		labelNameStudent.setBounds(25, 115, 75, 25);
    		return labelNameStudent;
    	private JLabel createLabelAddressStudent() {
    		labelAddressStudent = new JLabel("Address");
    		labelAddressStudent.setBounds(25, 190, 75, 25);
    		return labelAddressStudent;
    	private JTextField createTextFieldIDStudent() {
    		textFieldIDStudent = new JTextField();
    		textFieldIDStudent.setBounds(125, 25, 375, 50);
    		return textFieldIDStudent;
    	private JTextField createTextFieldNameStudent() {
    		textFieldNameStudent = new JTextField();
    		textFieldNameStudent.setBounds(125, 100, 375, 50);
    		return textFieldNameStudent;
    	private JTextField createTextFieldAddressStudent() {
    		textFieldAddressStudent = new JTextField();
    		textFieldAddressStudent.setBounds(125, 175, 375, 50);
    		return textFieldAddressStudent;
    	private JButton createButtonPush() {
    		buttonPush = new JButton("Push");
    //		buttonPush.setBounds(25, 305, 50, 15);	
    		return buttonPush;
    	private JButton createButtonPop() {
    		buttonPop = new JButton("Pop");
    //		buttonPop.setBounds(85, 305, 50, 15);
    		return buttonPop;
    	private JButton createButtonUpdate() {
    		buttonUpdate = new JButton("Update");
    //		buttonPUpdate.setBounds(145, 305, 50, 15);
    		return buttonUpdate;
    	private JButton createButtonSearch() {
    		buttonSearch = new JButton("Search");
    //		buttonSearch.setBounds(205, 305, 50, 15);
    		return buttonSearch;
    	private JButton createButtonPopAll() {
    		buttonPopAll = new JButton("Pop - All");
    //		buttonPopAll.setBounds(265, 305, 50, 15);
    		return buttonPopAll;
    	private JButton createButtonSelect() {
    		buttonSelect = new JButton("Select");
    //		buttonSelect.setBounds(325, 305, 50, 15);
    		return buttonSelect;
      1. em comment lai de cho no set layout GridLayout ay ma. chu setLayout(null); setBounds la ko oi display up his. thanks anh da tra loi

  11. A ơi cho e hỏi tí! I have yet to test demo unit article no sir?e Read the information found in class biographers he should venture to ask, sir Software Tech!
    I was about to test code palmtops but unknown direction ạ?
    I just wish more teachers ạ.

  12. My brother asked me??Why do you dowload game pikachu code on them to open by NetBean without that he?He just helped me with….!!
    As reported in open code it is no á Project Name to show him…

    1. I wrote on the eclipse should be able to be so, you seek to import from eclipse to NetBean nhé. Không thì dùng eclipse code 🙂

  13. int cal(char s[])
    char str [1000];
    int a, sum = 0;
    int i=0, n = strlen(with);
    while (in < the)
    if (with[in] == '+') i ;
    sscanf(with + in, "% D", &the); // lay came over in chuoi
    sum += a;
    sprintf(str, "% D", the); // the argument a string str de locate i
    i + = strlen(str);
    return sum;
    Force yourself you ask if s[in] which meet mark – (minus ) thì hàm sscanf sẽ xử lý làm sao ạ?

    1. Mình cũng chưa test thử nhưng có lẽ nó lỗi hoặc chuyển dáu trừ đó sang mã ACSII và gán cho a. Bạn thử chạy xem là biết 😉

  14. em là hùng. sinh viên năm nhất, cấp 3 em đã tìm hiểu về pascal.. giờ em đang tập chuyển ngôn ngữ khác, tìm thấy một blog rất hay, cảm ơn con người it thực thụ.

  15. Anh ơi..!!! Android helps me with problems, please..
    I have finished doing an exercise, and send a peaceful part of the Project for the master directory, now I try to download it to test it fails like this:
    Process ‘command ‘/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java” finished with non-zero exit value 1
    Does that bug you by machine or by post you made ..? I'm afraid all I damaged too… Thay always run k is going…

  16. bh em có 1 cái jbutton ,em muốn ấn vào đó mà hiển thị ra 1 cái list thì làm ntn ạ ? em làm trên eclipes

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