Archive | EN Java

[Java log] P3: Logging asynchronously to the database using ExecutorService

Articles published from blog Tung Huynh, was the consent of the author. Hello everyone, in 2 previously on logging[Java log] P1: The importance of logging in software development[Java log] P2: Log4j integrated into the memminh mentioned the importance of logging, some principles when logging, and guidance on how to integrate a program log4j […]

[Java log] P2: Log4j integrated into the software

Articles published from blog Tung Huynh, was the consent of the author. Hi everybody, at all before ([Java log] P1: The importance of logging in software development) I have shared the importance of logging and some guidelines when logging. This article I will guide how to integrate a basic module to the application log. You should get into the habit […]

[Java log] P1: The importance of logging in software development

Articles published from blog Tung Huynh, was the consent of the author. Hi everybody. These days, busy too, enlist new forever be sitting writing. Today I will share their experiences related to the issue of logging in software development. What is log? Comes to logging, it must have many of you know this is a work flow […]

[JavaSwing] JPanel

Content and Layout Order Create JPanel Border After the opening introduction to the JFrame and the introduction of JLabel, JButton and JTextField perhaps you have become familiar with how to create an interface in Java Swing. Prior to the introduction of frequently used objects, I think we should learn a very important it is to Container (container, holder) and […]

[Java] Game chess caro 2 players

Today, I continue to share your Game caro 2 players with nice graphical interface, friendly and easy to use. The program allows the player can choose a new game, new game, please go back and lost. On each side of the image that shows the match score and the state to turn someone away. When starting the game allows you to choose […]

[Java] Program Calculator – Palmtops

Today I will introduce and share with your Pocket PC program (Calculator) written in java-based 2 transfer algorithm infix expression to postfix and calculate the value of the expression suffix. This program is an upgrade to the version on android I did some time ago. The interface of the program is relatively simple, with 3 […]

[Java] Demo manage contacts

Introduce yourself to continue the program management contacts Demo. Because this is a Demo should function as well as practical applications in low, However, there are many notable. The program 4 function is added, repair, deleting and searching for contacts in your phonebook. Each contact in the phonebook including 4 is the name, Phone Number, address […]

[Java – Game] Game Pikachu (Pokemon)

Pokemon is a cartoon childhood data associated with your team and you 8x, 9x which is a pokemon pikachu favorite =)). Having said that, but it actually rolls back the game pikachu related to the content of the films that are simply looking for the same pokemon pictures reassembling them is eating. Conditions breakfast is […]

[Java] Export files and exe jar

After building software with java, we need to export or exe file run jar format that can run directly like any other software that is not in eclipse or NetBean to shaking it. This article will guide you to do the job so. Initially I had 1 Dijkstra project like this and we will do iện create jar from eclipse […]

[Java – Ubuntu] Install the JDK and Eclipse on Ubuntu offline

The way in order to install ubuntu software center or online, then you can do easily. Following his room stating how to install offline when no network. 1. Install JDK You here to download the appropriate JDK and extract it out. (his jdk1.7.0_21) Run the following command to create the directory jvm cd to the directory where the file was unzipped and run: 2. Install Java […]