Archive | EN Java

[Java] Convenient shortcut in Eclipse – Keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse

Some commonly used shortcuts in Eclipse, help operations much faster than using Ctrl Menu + B : build project Ctrl + D : remove the line containing the cursor in (usually when there are too many blank lines, I want to pull the code to look for beautiful gathered Beauty) Everything + arrow up / down : move the current line up / down Ctrl + F : search string in class […]

[Java] Inner Class

Inner class is declared in class 1 other class. VD class is declared in class Inner Outer Outer methods in class can declare objects of class Inner normally. However these methods in other classes par with class must declare Import Outer Outer class or declare as follows: Outer.Inner out = new Outer().new Inner(); Code illustrations:

[Java] Take the time in Java – Time in Java

In programming much as we need to calculate the running time of the program or the duration of a task is to methodically handled more efficiently. Java gives us some time taking the following system:

[Java] In some format in Java – Formatting Numeric Print Output in Java

In Java offers 2 format printing method gives us the printf and format and 2 This method has similar functions. With the 1 variables can be formatted in different ways it with. VD Another thing is that you can print format according to the French system, separating the integer part and the decimal part of the real number in the decimal […]

[Java] Replace characters by way String.replaceAll – Replace a plus character using Java’s String.replaceAll method

In some signs TH [ ^ $ . | ? * + ( ) called the special symbols. Want to replace them, Ex-character + chain do: or

[Eclipse] Import project in Eclipse

If you've installed the Eclipse that had previously been doing some project then you need to Import they can open. File -> Import Nhấn Next. Then click the Browse button to navigate to the folder containing the project. Select Project to import and click Finish, attention when selecting the folder containing the project you have to press OK, not double.

[Algorithm – Java] Calculate the value of the expression suffix – Calculate value of the postfix Equation

The validity of a mathematical expression in infix form of conventional computers will be converted to the inverse Polish notation (suffixes) for the calculation is easy. You can see the transformation algorithm from the element to the suffix in my article. In this article, I will present the method for calculating the value of an expression […]

[Java] Stack in Java – Stack in Java

Stack is a data structure to store multiple data elements. Stack operations according to the following mechanism before Last In / First Out (LIFO). In the Stack with the basic operations: + Push : more 1 element on top of the stack + Pop : taken 1 elements from the top of the stack + Peek: Stack returns the first element without removing it from the Stack + isEmpty: Check […]

[Java] Change the number of array elements in Java – Resize the array length in Java

In Java to change the size of the array we will copy the original array to another array with the desired size.

[Algorithm – Java]Share loose use Go back

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