Archive | Algorithm

[Compound] NKBUS

Threads: A bus company's mission to welcome staff office. On the journey, Buses will receive staff waiting at the rendezvous if space is still available vehicles. Buses can park back to the workers barely wait to rendezvous. Indicate the time that each employee to his rendezvous point across […]

[Compound] Longest increasing subsequence – LIQ

Threads and test: link For an integer array of N elements A[1], The[2], … The[N]. Knowing that is monotonically increasing subsequence 1 Series A[i1],… The[I] correspond i1 < i2 < … < I và A[i1] < The[i2] < .. < The[I]. Please indicate monotonically increasing subsequence of the sequence length how many elements? Download and test solution (C / C , Pascal) here. Input Field […]

[Compound] RR – VMRR

Threads: http://Is there a secret, that have traditionally only been circulated among VNOI admin, RR is very different interests who. Do not just stop at the rank of the table sat watching online exam or sit for hours memorizing the names of the world-famous coder, RR also like to find his name in the text string length… Much […]

[Compound] Count the number of digits 0,1,2,3,…,9 in the range from 1 & gt; n | MDIGITS

Threads: http://Given two integers a, b. Write all the numbers between a, b; including 2 This number. Work out each digit 0, 1, .., 9 each number appearing many times. Example, if a = 1024 and b = 1032, range will be 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 and 10 number 0, 10 number 1, 7 number 2, … I count […]

[Algorithm – Java]Share loose use Go back

Recommended articles listed requirements may cases when the amount of N divided into a denomination coins[in].

Overview of planning activities

Dynamic programming method is used to solve optimization problems with recursive nature, ie finding the optimal method for problems that can lead to find the optimal scheme of a finite number of subproblem. For many recursive algorithms, the principle of divide and rule (spill and Conquer) often play a key role in the design of algorithms. To […]

[PDP]Tiled 3 * n – LATGACH3 – M3TILE
