Programming C: Posts 12 – The relationship between pointers and arrays, string

Arrays and pointers positive relationship signed intimately. This article will help you understand somewhat the relationship.

Programming C: Posts 9 – Arrays in C

A set of array elements with the same type of data. Array of arrays 1 evening, 2 evening,... And each type of data, there 1 corresponding array (integer array, real array, character array (Chain)),... I mainly consider the array 1 dimensional array 2 evening

Programming C: Posts 10 – String in c

In all Import Export in c we've become familiar with how to declare, entry and string in C simply. In this article we will talk more about the examples, homework chain .

Programming C: Posts 14 – Import and export files in C / C ++

During the programming process, we often have to read and write data to a file. This article will guide you how to make simple with C and C ++. Noted: In the example below, the input and output files in the same folder with the source files. Example: Cho file input.txt, The first line consists of 1 n is the number of friends, n the next line per line […]

Programming C: Posts 12 – List of links set in array

List of links can be installed in arrays or pointers. In this article I will show you how to use arrays :), Type this list is often called the next list.

Programming C: Posts 13 – List installed applications associated with the cursor

List of links can be installed in arrays or pointers. In this article I will show you how to use arrays :), Type this list referred to as single-linked list

Programming C: Posts 14 – Doubly linked list

Doubly linked list is a linked list format, but each element associated with the element preceding and following it in the list…

Programming C: Posts 15 – Install stack (Stack)

Stacks (Stack) is an unordered list that allows insertion and deletion is performed at the end of the list and we call this the tip end (top) the stack…

Programming C: Posts 16 – Construction queue (Queue)

Queues (Queue) is a data structure used to store objects work under the FIFO (acronym in English: First In First Out), mean “in first-out” In the queue, Objects can be added to the line…

Permutation function in C

1. Ideology In fact permutation, we must build the program, permutation functions to swap the value of the element, eg sequencer program is a typical. To permutations 2 number, One can imagine like us 2 the cup. A glass of lemonade container, B cup pesticide containers. How do we move on water […]