Yearly Archives | 2014

[Java] Execute the command line with java – Execute command line in java

You never want to execute a command from a terminal like java? This article will help you do it in a simple way. Note that I do on Ubuntu, so on Windows or some other distro of Linux may vary slightly. Assuming you've installed vlc and now you want to open with vlc video chim_trang_mo_coi.mp4 in /home/nguyenvanquan7826/Desktop/chim_trang_mo_coi.mp4. You write a program like […]

[Tree] Binary Tree students – Student Binary Tree

Construction of binary search trees students (key is the student code). Each student student code, name, point. Browse the list of students, More students, remove a student scores less than 4

Error delete blank lines in SyntaxHighlighter – Bug remove empty line in SyntaxHighlighter

Recently when using SyntaxHighlighter plugin to display code on his blog is faulty blank lines in the code to make your code look and separates the sections together lost. After some learn it by plugin…

[School] The Use Case Specification step

Posts guide take steps in characterizing Use Case with a detailed illustration

[School] The method of shifting requirements analysis and management of software requirements

Article outlines the basic methods required to shift from high to low level floor during analysis and management of software requirements

[School] Pyramid requirements analysis requirements management software

The requirements are managed on each floor as the above requirements are expressed in pyramidal, the requirements of the above ordinary general Stakholder, the requirements below are arising, decay based on the requirements upstairs. At different levels of requirements, the level of detail they are different, often require more detailed downstairs upstairs.

[School] Basic Analysis and management of software requirements

Article will outline the gist shows the importance, object and purpose of the activity of analyzing and managing software requirements

[Java] Get the size of the object – Get size of Object

There are several ways to get the size of an object, in this article I'll show you how to build a class to own property. Said the construction of this question but what people write and, we just copied and used only, without interest or impact on it at all.

[CSMM] I told…

I told: "I go," Why do not you stand back ? I told: "You do not wait," Why do you rush in now ? Words sometimes mystical wind teary eyes wild Which world do you not look into your eyes ...

[Trick] Get the first image in the post as avatar Posts

During the “move” This was my error when importing data from the old blog, it is up to their images are no media including avatar Posts (image thumbnail) when you set the featured image for the article. Fortunately, the photos in your article almost full up to then inserted should not lose but featured image, it would be up […]