[School] Pyramid requirements analysis requirements management software

Pyramid request

Dependence on form, origin and characteristics, the requirements to be classified as 6 following levels:

  1. Stakholder need: The requirement was proposed by Stakholder
  2. Feadture (Feature): Another service provided by the system to service required by the Stakholder
  3. Use Case: Model describes the behavior of the system.
  4. Supplementary requirement: The additional requirements, usually non-functional requirements.
  5. Scenario (Script): A specific sequence of actions, a line of action passing a Use Case.
  6. Test Case: The specification of a test input, execution conditions and expected results
Pyramid request

We need to manage the requirements on each floor for the above requirements are expressed in pyramidal, the requirements of the above ordinary general Stakholder, the requirements below are arising, decay based on the requirements upstairs.

At different levels of requirements, the level of detail they are different, often require more detailed downstairs upstairs.

The storage footprint required to facilitate management

Traces is a technique to help keep the relationship between requirements, the requirements are often mapped from top to bottom should be based on the sign posts that we can do many things:

  • Knowing the origin of each request
  • Verification system fully satisfy all requirements of Stakholder
  • Examining the system is installed only what is needed
  • Analyzing the level of influence when a change request, complementary
  • Minimize errors found in the system development cycle