Consulting experience programming

As a beginner programmer, especially the freshman, you or ask: he only children to learn programming, I ask him for less experienced programmers to learn. Hopefully this will help some of you have concerns similar to the conversation between himself (the right) and a beautiful girlfriend first year (left side).

e chào a Quân

Alo e

k biết là a có phiền k cho e hỏi chút ạ

em cứ hỏi lằng nhằng mà ko vào vấn đề chính là khá phiền. 😛

Hiện tại e đang theo học ngành cntt nhưng môn lập trình thực sự gây khó khăn cho e. đến viết mã code e cũng k viết được. nên e muốn tham khảo a cách hk lập trình ^^
bọn e có quyển bí kíp luyện rồng và thầy e bảo lên mạng tham khảo trang của a r tự học. lên lớp thầy chỉ chữa bài nào khó thôi ^^

em học trường nào, năm mấy?

e học đh xxx. tiền thân là yyy ạ. e mới năm nhất :3 (Đoạn này mình xin giấu thông tin nhé, chỉ tiết lộ là ở Hà Nội)

ukm, năm nhất học thì cũng hơi vất vả 1 tý khi lên đại học, học nó ko như cấp 3.
các thầy cô chỉ hướng dẫn là chính, việc học e phải tự học.
đại học = học đại -> tự học.

😀 😀 (Laugh out)

To learn programming, girls are a bit more difficult than boys, but it's not ok, If you try to keep up, you'll be better than boys.
do you have a computer. If you don't have one, you should go to the library or somewhere with a computer, or should buy 1 and find a quiet place to concentrate on studying.
Materials should be taken from the teacher's textbook, refer to your website or blog.

Are you in Hanoi now, can you buy a phone?. because our first year is mostly sitting on the phone

While studying, follow the steps:
1. Read through the theory a bit. it's okay to understand or not.
2. Read examples in books or on blogs
3. Predict what the program does, What's the result? (It may be difficult to predict if you're new to it, but give it a try)
4. Copy that code into the test machine, Compare results vs predictions
5. Code it yourself again according to your understanding, in my way
6. Come up with a similar post or edit it a bit (e.g. it prints someone's name, then I print my name…)
If there is an error, then read what the error is (If you can't read it, copy it to google translate) you'll get used to it later.
– That said, it's important to spend enough time studying it. If you don't study, it will be difficult and boring. When studying, turn off all fb or miscellaneous, lúc nào ko học thì mở hoặc cần hỏi ai đó cái gì đó thì mở.
a ở tận Thái cơ. 😛

(Nghiến răng, chắc tưởng ở Thái Lan, thực ra tớ đang ở Thái Nguyên :in )


Thường thường bọn e làm bt ntn nì a. A demo cho e bài này tý tý được hem

ko demo dk. (Đến đây nghĩ chẳng lẽ mục đích chỉ là bảo giải bài tập hộ sao :in )

khó bỏ xừ ấy. e đọc mãi mà k hiểu dốt vô phương cứu chữa à (stunned expression icon)

This is an exercise, not a lesson, so i need to figure out how to do it, Apply what you've learned to code that way. You have to think of a way first. Think of the way of 1 The lesson must think from requirements to what has been learned.
CEO: The requirement is to find the maximum distance between 2 consecutive elements.
-> ie find 2 consecutive numbers |a-b| is the biggest.
-> reduce to find max
-> 2 Consecutive numbers in the sequence must go through the whole sequence, one by one
-> browse to the i-th number a[in] then consider | the[in] – the[i 1] | see if it's max
-> For sequence traversal, you must use loops … etc. and cloudy cloudy…

– ?Now just code the way to do it
The code goes from bottom to top
– If you want to browse a sequence using a loop, you must know which loop to use, for, while hay là do..while.
– If you choose the right loop, you must understand the operating principle of the loop (understand that in the process of learning)
– After selecting, the code for that loop will come out
– step to find | the[in] – the[i 1] | maximum by comparing max with | the[in] – the[i 1] |, if max > | the[in] – the[i 1] | then save that value to max.
– After browsing, it's time to find max – print the result.
– This is a good suggestion, just chewing.

Who will pay me the flying saucer? (icon laughs to tears after a series of analysis on planet earth, I want to fly back to Mars to live :in)
really. respect the real programmers
I forgot to ask what year you were born in

It's like cooking rice. If you want to cook rice, you must know how to cook rice.
ask what to do? (What do you mean ask age?)
related to the exercise or how to learn programming?
(At this point, I know you don't want to hear how to learn or experience programming anymore :v.)

And the conversation also ended soon?with a few greetings later.