Archive | EN Android

[Android] Create button to close apps android – Button close app Android

To create this button, you'll first need 1 Button was designed by XLM. At * .java file do the following: Before creating the event finish my app reset main activity because it can close the application when we are in a different activity, when restarting the application will run right into the activity that is not our main activity.

[Android] ListView

This problem has been Mr. Tran Duy Thanh write very adequate considering what he knew. Mark the wire looking for something easy :). Thank you for the article! Exercise 13: Practice on ListView in Android

[Android] Color of Button Android – Button color Android

To set the color for Button you can use android:background=”color code” Button's VD: android:background=”#F00″ => me red. However with this method when clicking the button we will not see the reaction it seemed Button should not click. To fix this do the following: Step 1: Create color.xml file in the folder res / values ​​with the following content (this file in order to […]

[Android] Spinner in Android

spinner allows us to have 1 available picker like this: To be able to set the values ​​for spinner I have 2 how to perform the preset value in the file res / values ​​/ strings.xml or placed directly in your * .java. First we do 1 the simple interface. * .xml file can then look in the Graphics tab cal following form (bad breath but after run […]

[Android] The background color of the layout Android – Set background color of layout Android

To set the background color for the layout you just add the command line: android:background=”color code”