Archive | EN Pascal

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 3: The command structure

1. A branch statement. Syntax incomplete form: If the condition is true, then perform the job (opposite condition is false does not do the job). b. Full format Syntax: If the condition is true, then perform the job 1, opposite condition is false, the execution of work 2. Note before ELSE no sign ; (semicolon). * If […]

[Pascal – TUT] Posts 9: Type of record – Record

1. Declare: the. Indirect declaration syntax: Example: Noted: Without testing earlier date can be described directly as follows: b. Direct declaration syntax: 2. Retrieve To retrieve the record variable to variable record type must have access to the variable with the following syntax: Attention: – Variables can be assigned the same type record […]

[Pascal]Some operations in the queue – code Pascal

By the way, have you by doing all of the queue, its always post up here. In all there 8 operations: 1. Check Empty: If the number of elements (size) the queue = 0 it returns true, opposite flase 2. Check full: If the number of elements (size) của queue = Max (The maximum number of elements of the queue) it returns true, opposite flase 3. Enter: As average import array […]