[Algorithm – Java] Calculate the value of the expression suffix – Calculate value of the postfix Equation

The validity of a mathematical expression in infix form of conventional computers will be converted to the inverse Polish notation (suffixes) for the calculation is easy. You can see the transformation algorithm from the element to the suffix in my article. In this article, I will present the method for calculating the value of an expression […]

[Java] Stack in Java – Stack in Java

Stack is a data structure to store multiple data elements. Stack operations according to the following mechanism before Last In / First Out (LIFO). In the Stack with the basic operations: + Push : more 1 element on top of the stack + Pop : taken 1 elements from the top of the stack + Peek: Stack returns the first element without removing it from the Stack + isEmpty: Check […]

[Java] Change the number of array elements in Java – Resize the array length in Java

In Java to change the size of the array we will copy the original array to another array with the desired size.

History of programming languages – History of programming languages

In an increasingly connected world , the programming language platform role. Did you know that the first programming language was more 100 years old and was written by a woman named Ada Lovelace? Please join us! We will go deeper into the history, evolution, and popularity of programming languages […]

[Compound] NKBUS

Threads: http://vn.spoj.com/problems/NKBUS/ A bus company's mission to welcome staff office. On the journey, Buses will receive staff waiting at the rendezvous if space is still available vehicles. Buses can park back to the workers barely wait to rendezvous. Indicate the time that each employee to his rendezvous point across […]

[Ubuntu]Install copy.com on ubuntu, windows – Install Copy.com on ubuntu, windows

As you know, Google Drive and Gmail mergers and Driver to increase the capacity up to 15GB, responded to this, Copy.com donate generously immediately 15 GB free for everyone as soon as they register early. Further, if you use the link register of the referral, you will have up to 20GB of storage for free. Immediately after signing, copy.com will […]

[Compound] Longest increasing subsequence – LIQ

Threads and test: link For an integer array of N elements A[1], The[2], … The[N]. Knowing that is monotonically increasing subsequence 1 Series A[i1],… The[I] correspond i1 < i2 < … < I và A[i1] < The[i2] < .. < The[I]. Please indicate monotonically increasing subsequence of the sequence length how many elements? Download and test solution (C / C , Pascal) here. Input Field […]

[Compound] RR – VMRR

Threads: http://Is there a secret vn.spoj.com/problems/VMRR/, that have traditionally only been circulated among VNOI admin, RR is very different interests who. Do not just stop at the rank of the table sat watching online exam or sit for hours memorizing the names of the world-famous coder, RR also like to find his name in the text string length… Much […]

[Ubuntu]Install firefox on ubuntu offline – Install firefox offline on ubuntu

To install firefox offline installation you down on here: www.mozilla.com/firefox/channels/ 1. Unzip the file tar.bz2 out by moving to the directory you to it (My Download) cd ~/Downloads/ tar xjf firefox-21.0.tar.bz2 2. Move it to / opt which contains the program as: LibreOffice, Google Chrome, Adobe reader, … all are contained in this Before moving you should delete versions […]

[Ubuntu]Create a custom Launcher on Ubuntu – Create a Custom Launcher on Ubuntu

To create 1 Custom Launcher to do the following: Launcher for VD created after installing firefox offline 1. Open a terminal and run the following command to open or create a new (if no) tệp firefox.desktop sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop 2. Copy the following contents into a file: [Desktop Entry] Name=Firefox Comment=Firefox Exec=/opt/firefox/firefox Icon=/opt/firefox/icons/firefox.png StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network; Note the name of the application and its icons, Open the file you'll see the icons icons […]