[WordPress] Insert the clock on wordpress blog

Find lots of times but always see this. ^^
You follow these steps:
Go http://flash-clocks.com/ Next on Flash Clocks Gallery or Blog sampling clock you like.
If on the blog, there will be even code in each clock, if there Gallery in Flash Clocks genres, Next you select the category selected in that category clock (each with multiple samples) HTML Embed Tag and click to get code. Code of the form:
clock insertion into wordpress blog
Have you noticed his part highlighted in orange, it's the orange highlighted in the following code:

gigya src=http://flash-clocks.com/free-flash-clocks-blog-topics/free-flash-clock-12.swf width=200 height=200 wmode=transparent

You further pair of collapsible brackets ([ ]) at the beginning and end of code and finally stuck on where you want to set the clock, is finished. ^^
Refer to at: wpbtips.wordpress.com