[Shool_DHMT] DDA algorithm to draw the line

1. Construction algorithm
2. Flowchart algorithm
3. Code illustrations
4. Code for all cases
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1. General Principles of drawing straight lines
2. Algorithm Breshenham draw straight lines
3. Midpoint algorithm to draw the line

1. Construction DDA algorithm (Digital DifferentialAnalyzer)

Give 2 endpoints M1 (x1, y1), M2(x2, y2) and paint C.
In all General principles of drawing straight lines we have built a straight line equation of the form:

y = mx + b. \text{ Trong do: }  \begin{cases}  m = \frac{y2 - y1}{x2-x1} = \frac{Dy}{Dx} \\  b = y1 - m.x1  \end{cases}

To simplify the algorithm we consider the line with m in [0,1] , Dx > 0
At each step one for x increases 1 ie unit x_{i + 1} = x_{i} + 1 \Rightarrow y_{i+1} = y_{i} + m

* Because m is a real number should want y_{i + 1} It must be an integer rounding before retrieving coordinates to make the screen.
* With a straight line m > 1 I will do the opposite for variable y and x in the sense that at each step we have y_{i + 1} = y_{i} + 1 \Rightarrow x_{i+1} = x_{i} + frac{1}{m}
* With straight lines with Dx <0 It will decrease rather than increase x.

2. DDA algorithm flowchart
DDA algorithm

3. Code illustrate the algorithm

/* Program create in Linux OS
 * nguyenvanquan7826 

#include <graphics.h>
#define Round(a) (int)(a+0.5)	// lam tron so
#define DELAY 10
int color = RED;

void lineDDA(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){		// thuat toan DDA
	int x_unit = 1, Dx = x2 - x1, Dy = y2 - y1;		// Khoi tao cac gia tri ban dau
	int x = x1;
	float y = y1;
	float m = (float)Dy/Dx;		// he so goc m
	putpixel(x, Round(y), color);
	while(x < x2){
		delay(10);	// thoi gian tre khi ve 1 diem anh
		x += x_unit;
		y += m;
		putpixel(x,Round(y), color);
int main(){
	int gd,gm=VGAMAX; gd=DETECT;
    initgraph(&gd,&gm,NULL);		// khoi tao cua so do hoa
	lineDDA(50,150, 300, 200);		// ve duong thang
	return 0;

The results illustrate

4. Code for all cases
The following code will draw 8 segment under 8 direction, starting from the center point.

/* Program create in Linux OS
 * nguyenvanquan7826 

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define Round(a) (int)(a+0.5)
#define DELAY 10
int color = RED;
struct point		// diem gom tung do x va hoanh do y
	int x, y;

void lineDDA(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)		// DDA algorithm
	int x_unit = 1, Dx = x2 - x1, Dy = y2 - y1;	// Init first value
	int x = x1;
	float y = y1;
	float y_unit = 1;
	if (Dx < 0)			
		x_unit = -1;
	if (Dy < 0)
		y_unit = -1;
	if (x1 == x2)	// duong thang dung
		while (y != y2)
			y += y_unit;
			putpixel(x, Round(y), color);
	else if (y1 == y2)	// duong ngang
		while (x != x2)
			x += x_unit;
			putpixel(x, Round(y), color);
	else if (x1 != x2 && y1 != y2)// duong xien
		float m = (float) abs(Dy) / abs(Dx);
		x_unit = 1;
		y_unit = m;
		x = x1;
		y = y1;
		if (Dx < 0)			
			x_unit = -1;		// ve x giam
		if (Dy < 0)
			y_unit = -m;		// ve y giam
		putpixel(x, Round(y), color);
		while(x != x2)
			delay(10);	// thoi gian tre khi ve 1 diem anh
			x += x_unit;
			y += y_unit;
			putpixel(x, Round(y), 1);
int main(){
	int gd,gm=VGAMAX; gd=DETECT;
	int x = 200, y = 100;
	char s[] = "nguyenvanquan7826";
	outtextxy(250,100, s);
	point A[9] = {{getmaxx()/2, getmaxy()/2}, 
					{A[0].x-x, A[0].y-y},
					{A[0].x-x, A[0].y+y},
					{A[0].x+x, A[0].y+y},
					{A[0].x+x, A[0].y-y},
					{A[0].x, A[0].y-y},
					{A[0].x-x, A[0].y},
					{A[0].x, A[0].y+y},
					{A[0].x+x, A[0].y},
	for (int i=1; i<9; i++)
		lineDDA(A[0].x, A[0].y, A[i].x, A[i].y);
	return 0;

The results illustrate