[C / C ] For example, reading record data type structure on the type of binary file in C

With Threads:

Write a program to manage the notebook includes the following functions :
Functions 1 : imported products
Functions 2 : Sort products
Functions 3 : Search for products

Functions 1 :
– Ask how many people use the product to be imported , then allows the user to enter information for the products included:
* Product Code
* Product Name
* number of products
* the product
They are stored in a text file named ” Products.txt ” .
Example: ” Products.txt ” Files
Code Name Quantity Price ( million )
01 Asus Vivo 3 12
02 Vaio E 2 10
03 Acer X 4 11.5

Functions 2 :
Allows users to read files ” Products.txt ” ; sort products by price products, and then save the file.

Functions 3 :
Users can search for products from file ” Products.txt” under product code or product name and product information consistent .

on the file read-write struct in C

The following code will do the work by recording data on to 2 file, text file on demand and 1 Products.dat binary file to read data recorded for arts facilities.

C/C++ program - code by nguyenvanquan7826
*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define fio "Products.txt" #define fbin "Products.dat" typedef struct products{ char Id[50], name[50]; int quantity; // so luong double cost; // gia } product; void input(product prd[], int *n); void writeBin(product prd[], int n); void write(product prd[], int n); void sort_cost(product prd[], int n); void readBin(product prd[], int *n); void output(product prd[], int n); void search_id(product prd[], int n, char id[]); void search_name(product prd[], int n, char name[]); void search(product prd[], int n); int main() { product prd[50]; int n; int select; do { printf("Products:\n-----------------\n"); printf("1: input\n2: read and sort by cost\n3: Search\n4: exit\n"); printf("Enter the number to work: "); scanf("%d", &select); switch(select){ case 1: { printf("1: INPUT\n"); input(prd, &n); write(prd, n); break; } case 2: { printf("2: READ AND SORT BY COST\n"); printf("Befor sort:\n--------------\n"); readBin(prd, &n); output(prd, n); sort_cost(prd, n); write(prd, n); printf("After sort:\n--------------\n"); readBin(prd, &n); output(prd, n); break; } case 3: { printf("SEARCH\n"); search(prd, n); break; } case 4: return 0; default : printf("Error select !"); break; } } while (select != 4); return 0; } void input(product prd[], int *n){ int i; char s[50]; printf("Enter the number of products: "); scanf("%d", n); gets(s); printf("n"); for (i = 0; i < (*n); i++){ printf("Enter the Id of products %d : ", i+1); gets(prd[i].Id); printf("\tEnter the nam of products %d : ", i+1); gets(prd[i].name); printf("\tEnter the quantity of products %d : ", i+1); scanf("%d", &prd[i].quantity); printf("\tEnter the cost of products %d : ", i+1); scanf("%lf", &prd[i].cost); gets(s); } } void writeBin(product prd[], int n){ FILE *f = fopen(fbin,"wb");; int i; if(f==NULL) printf("Error load file"); else fwrite(prd,sizeof(product),n,f); fclose(f); } void write(product prd[], int n){ int i; FILE *f = fopen(fio, "w"); if(f==NULL) printf("Error load file"); fprintf(f, "%-10s %-15s %-10s %-10s\n", "Id", "Name", "Quantity", "Cost"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(f, "%-10s %-15s %-10d %-10.2lf\n", prd[i].Id, prd[i].name, prd[i].quantity, prd[i].cost); fclose(f); writeBin(prd, n); printf("input and write success to file!n"); } void sort_cost(product prd[], int n){ int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){ for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++){ if (prd[i].cost > prd[j].cost){ product temp = prd[i]; prd[i] = prd[j]; prd[j] = temp; } } } } void output(product prd[], int n){ int i; printf("%-10s %-10s %-15s %-10s %-10s\n", "Order", "Id", "Name", "Quantity", "Cost"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%-10d %-10s %-15s %-10d %-10.2lf\n", i + 1, prd[i].Id, prd[i].name, prd[i].quantity, prd[i].cost); } void readBin(product prd[], int *n){ FILE *f = fopen(fbin,"rb"); fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); //Nhay ve cuoi file, di chuyen di 0 vi tri (*n) = (ftell(f)+1)/sizeof(product); //ftell(); tra ve vi tri hien tai cua con tro // SEEK_CUR: di chuyen bat dau tu vi tri hien tai cua con tro, chi dung trong fseek() fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); //Nhay ve dau file, di chuyen di 0 vi tri fread(prd,sizeof(product),(*n),f); fclose(f); } void search_id(product prd[], int n, char id[]){ int i, check = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ if (strcmp(id, prd[i].Id) == 0){ check = 1; printf("%-10s %-10s %-15s %-10s %-10s\n", "Order", "Id", "Name", "Quantity", "Cost"); printf("%-10d %-10s %-15s %-10d %-10.2lf\n", i + 1, prd[i].Id, prd[i].name, prd[i].quantity, prd[i].cost); break; } if (check == 0 && i == n - 1) printf("Not found product have Id is %s !\n", id); } } void search_name(product prd[], int n, char name[]){ int i, check = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ if (strcmp(name, prd[i].name) == 0){ check = 1; printf("%-10s %-10s %-15s %-10s %-10s\n", "Order", "Id", "Name", "Quantity", "Cost"); printf("%-10d %-10s %-15s %-10d %-10.2lf\n", i + 1, prd[i].Id, prd[i].name, prd[i].quantity, prd[i].cost); break; } if (check == 0 && i == n - 1) printf("Not found product have name is %s !\n", name); } } void search(product prd[], int n){ int select; char s[50]; do{ printf("\t1: Id\n\t2: Name\n\t3: exit search\nEnter the type you want search: "); scanf("%d", &select); gets(s); switch(select){ case 1: { printf("Enter Id want search: "); char id[50]; gets(id); search_id(prd, n, id); break; } case 2: { printf("Enter name want search: "); char name[50]; gets(name); search_name(prd, n, name); break; } case 3: return; default : printf("Error select !"); break; } }while (select != 3); }