[Entertainment] Portable lights across the river

Game Portable lights across the river epitomized algorithm but equally fun, promoting curiosity, clever, people try considered.

Have 1 group 5 the last person on the other side of the river bank 1 narrow bridge at night. This relatively weak bridges crossing every turn can only max 2 people. Because it was quite dark so wanted to have someone portable bridge to illuminate lights. During the 30s, please arrange how to both 5 who must pass the other side of the river.
Knowing that the time for 1 each person needs to go through the following:
Boys: 1with
Baby: 3with
Girl: 6with
Mr. Shark: 8with
Old woman: 12with

Simulation game to test your wits nhá…
Click Play (Top right corner ) to begin
Click on the icon above to choose who will cross the bridge (The maximum 2 people).
Press GO to go over the bridge

Noted: If you do not see the game, please go to this link (Can you use it not to display https flash ^^ ): https://cachhoc.net/2014/04/29/giai-tri-xach-den-qua-song/

I've solved, What if you can not solve, try the, time is not possible, can chat with your facebook (facebook.com/nguyenvanquan7826), I would suggest or mentioned answers help. What you win or know the answer, please comments if you win after so many visits ^^. Do comments from bye, để mọi người còn chơi chứ 😀

Carry the lamp across the river

Source: timmeovat.com