[Ubuntu] Thêm sublime text vào menu open with
Nguyen Gia Thang: nguyenvanquan7826, you know not sublime text?
Nguyenvanquan7826: Font size, it's a pretty good editor, especially for you web.
Nguyen Gia Thang: Standards and, I'm using it on ubuntu, however encountered a small problem.
Nguyenvanquan7826: What issues?
Nguyen Gia Thang: Of, I want to right-click 1 open the file menu allows open with sublime with text that you've downloaded, but it does not have.
Nguyenvanquan7826: Oh, You try to make this look: Right click -> open with other application -> show all applications -> open with sublime text
Nguyen Gia Thang: I've tried, but still no.
Nguyenvanquan7826: Oh, Thus you for the folder where this sublime text?
Nguyen Gia Thang: Themselves to it in the Partition Data, dev-tool. Because do not want to reinstall it when I reinstall Ubuntu.
Nguyenvanquan7826: Ok, you follow these steps nhé.
Step 1: Open terminal (Ctrl + Everything + T) and execute the following command (enter pass if requested):
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/sublime.desktop
Step 2: Copy the following code to file past is opened.
[Desktop Entry] [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 # ten ban muon hien thi Name=Sublime Text 2 GenericName=Text Editor # Duong dan thu muc ban de file chay sublime text Exec=/media/nguyenvanquan7826/Data/dev-tool/SublimeText2/sublime_text %f Terminal=false Icon=/media/nguyenvanquan7826/Data/dev-tool/SublimeText2/Icon/48x48/sublime_text.png Type=Application Categories=TextEditor;IDE;Development X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=NewWindow [NewWindow Shortcut Group] Name=New Window Exec=sublime -n TargetEnvironment=Unity
You let the line 6 and line 10. You enter the name exactly as you want the display and your directory path.
Nguyen Gia Thang: Oh, Okay, it has operations. Thank you. I found it also appears in the search bar Dash
Nguyenvanquan7826: Of course, normal way to trigger the application of the Dash, but you notice the line 10, we have more argument% f behind, so it will appear in the open menu with the right click. It's like a post I wrote earlier: Create a custom Launcher on Ubuntu
Gai Nguyen Thang: Oh, Therefore, it is, very nice, thank you.
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