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[C / C ] Gotoxy() in Dev-C – Gotoxy in Dev-C

In Dev-C default content gotoxy(x, and). We need to build it using the following libraries windows.h: CEO:

[Ubuntu] Create text snippets to sublime

Go to Tools / New snippet… In the file that opens you will see: Save it as filename.sublime-snippet Notice Hello, ${1:this} is a ${2:snippet} is the full code that you tab. Instead <!– hello –> equal to hello where hello is the shortcut keyword. After you write hello and press tab, Hello, this is a snippet The values ​​in $ including ${1:this} is a ${2:snippet} are the […]

[Ubuntu]Run C/C by Sublime text in Ubuntu

Vào Tools/ Build System/ New Build System… file contents are as follows: Then save it as you want namefile.sublime-build. For example myC ++ .sublime-build restart Sublime text. Go to Tools / Build System select MYC ++. Press Ctrl + Shift + B to run. However when the data entry command: scanf(), cin, shall not be imported, if you have a solution, you are welcome to share!

[Ubuntu] Fix locked folder – Decentralization in Ubuntu

Many times the directory, Your file has icons 1 the lock and you cannot open it. Khi đó hãy dùng lệnh chomd file hoặc thư mục đó, mình thường dùng chomd 777 cho dễ dùng, còn có nhiều lệnh khác dùng để phân quyền (bạn tự sreach 😀 ). sudo chmod 777 tên_file_hoặc_tên_thư_mục VD: sudo chmod 777 Adobe Nhưng lại có khi chomd xong thư mục mở ra thì bên trong […]

4 skills students “could not have”

Bài viết này mình đọc được từ http://thunhan.wordpress.comtrang cá nhân của thầy Nguyễn Vũ Thụ NhânGiảng viên bộ môn Toán cho Vật Lý, Khoa Vật LýTrường Đại học Sư Phạm Tp. Ho Chi Minh. 4 skills students “could not have” First day of school, The luggage the freshmen brought along beside the excitement, rejoices are worries, surprised before […]

Story donkey

Donkey Story One day a farmer's donkey fell to the bottom of a well. The donkey cried miserably for several hours while its owner tried to free it. In the end the farmer decided that the donkey was too old and the well needed to be filled, you don't have to save the donkey anymore. Người nông dân kêu […]


DON’T GIVE UP Bỏ cuộc là trốn tránh hay tự giải thoát? Cowards or said stops? I myself did not answer that question, but I know one thing, is easy to give up the most. People have a possibility, do things that seemed impossible. But not to anyone can do it. Phần lớn người ta nghĩ rằng […]

[Android] Create fonts for text in Android

Firstly we need to have the font file format and copy it to the directory assets in the * .java Then we use the command to set fonts for text Typeface.createFromAsset. Example set font for TextView: file *.xml file *.java Kết quả : Download file Demo: Android_Fonts


In some cases, we make mistakes Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED trong Android. The cause may be due when you create Project was named package that makes a android: Men in AndroidManifest.xml file wrong. CEO: android:name=”VSNet.Test.MainActivity” And you only need to edit the following: android:name=”MainActivity”

[Android] How to install APK files on Android virtual machine

Many * .apk file that you want to put on a virtual machine running test, So how? Step 1: cd to the directory containing the file to install * .apk. Step 2: adb install command Test.apk (trong đó Test.apk là file mình cần cài 🙂 ) If you have not installed notice-android-tools adb, you need to install it before using the command: Wait for the machine installation is complete.