Archive | Programming

[Java Swing] JRadioButton in Java – JRadioButton in java

Content Creating Order JRadioButton JRadioButton in group events for JRadioButton JRadioButton Getting an object allows us to choose the attributes brittle as JCheckBox. However, we tend to use JRadioButton when the user wants to select only one of the attributes. For example, users choose the sex was just selected as M or F. How to create JRadioButton – How to create JRadioButton Để […]

[Java Swing] JCheckBox in Java – JCheckBox in Java

Creating Content for JCheckBox JCheckBox Getting event JCheckBox object allows us to select multiple properties. For example, when a viewer to fill with money, Pet, there is no such car. He may have both 3 or no one at all. Create JCheckBox We will create 1 JFrame with JCheckBox as shown below: JFrame include 2 part […]

[Java Swing] Customize JList – JList custom renderer

In JList we already know how to create a simple JList with some actions and event. In this article we continue to learn how to customize the JList to create a list of elements according to our. For example, phonebook (image, contact name, Phone Number) or a list of favorite books (includes cover, title, […]

[JavaSwing] JList in Java – JList in Java

Content Create and capture events in JList Add reduce the JList JList element allows to display a list of objects and groups. In this lesson we will learn the basics about it. Create and capture events in JList we going to create a program that contains 1 JList including color, click to select a color, the background color […]

[JavaSwing] BoxLayout in Java

As you know the Container (as JFrame, JPanel, ...) used to store the control of its, however they may or may not default arrangement of objects is not our desired. So we need to use to do this Layout. In other words the Layout help we can sort of control in a reasonably Container […]

[JavaSwing] GridLayout

As you know the Container (as JFrame, JPanel, ...) used to store the control of its, however they may or may not default arrangement of objects is not our desired. So we need to use to do this Layout. In other words the Layout help we can sort of control in a reasonably Container […]

[JavaSwing] BorderLayout

As you know the Container (as JFrame, JPanel, ...) used to store the control of its, however they may or may not default arrangement of objects is not our desired. So we need to use to do this Layout. In other words the Layout help we can sort of control in a reasonably Container […]

[JavaSwing] The difference between LEFT and LEADING, RIGHT và TRAILING

As you already know how to align the objects in a Layout, namely in all FlowLayout mentioned it. When the new use will not distinguish the difference between LEFT and LEADING, RIGHT và TRAILING. In this article we will learn that. Even our objects are arranged in Container (ComponentOrientation) là left-to-right/top-to-bottom, […]

[JavaSwing] FlowLayout

As you know the Container (as JFrame, JPanel, ...) used to store the control of its, however they may or may not default arrangement of objects is not our desired. So we need to use to do this Layout. In other words the Layout help we can sort of control in a reasonably Container […]

[C / C – Android] Run C / C on android

It may sound strange and unbelievable, but actually there are several software that can. One of them is C4droid. This program takes charge to download but had the acquisition and share to everyone. 😀 Các bạn download tại đây nhé.