Archive | Programming

[JavaSwing] JTextField

Create Simple Content Get JTextField, data set from JTextField Aligning and captured the event for JTextField JTextField Some other method is an object that allows the user to enter a line of text. Often used to enter data with brief information. In the illustration above we have 4 JTextField to allow users to enter 4 corresponding information 4 JLabel in […]

[JavaSwing] JButton

Content Creating Simple Ways to JButton Action Set margin JButton is an object that allows us to click on will do something. Example button “Compute” below, when clicking on it will calculate interest based on the information entered in the JTextField Example 1: Create a simple JButton some point note * Initialize JButton: […]

[JavaSwing] JLabel

Contents Create a simple JLabel Put color, JLabel JLabel background color is often used to display text or images to make the instructions, instructions on the user interface. In the picture above using 4 JLabel user to correctly enter the required information. Example 1: Create simple JLabel result we are 3 JLabel as follows (Note file […]

[JavaSwing] HelloWorld

In this article we will learn some basic steps to create a JFrame – That's roughly the application framework. Example 1: Create 1 frame 250×200 title “HelloWorld” appears in the coordinates (300, 200) on-screen. We have 4 constructor 1 JFrame: JFrame() : Initialize a new frame invisible JFrame(GraphicsConfiguration qc) : Create a Frame is just […]

[Programming] Faster way to learn programming

Must say was very lucky to wander the night came across this article on Blog It's very useful for me and hope that you feel that. And please allow authors to be shared and a bit eidt this article ^^. 5 Faster way to learn programming Content 0. Slow but sure 1. Read the sample code 2. Running code 3. Write […]

[C / C ] Only preprocessing – Preprocessor directives

Opening this article, I'll show you a picture and you spend about 1 minutes to read the following program, Consider carefully to recognize the difference… Content 1. #define 2. Operator # and ## Now you realize the difference is not ??? Initially when put this photo up people only pay attention to the content of […]

[Algorithm] Community Stack

Regarding the operations on Stack of you can see here For a list Stack is a link to the front to back so we can not direct public 2 Stack. Suppose need community at Stack Stack S2 S1, we use 1 Stack Stemp to store intermediate values ​​of S2 and then only turn putting values ​​into S1 Stemp. If […]

[C / C ] Copy file in C

The code below will copy the contents of the file you enter into 1 Other files so you can name. If no source file is offline. Note that the file can be the same or different folder.

[Assembly] Combined with high-level language Assembly

Assembly can be combined with the high-level languages ​​such as Pascal, C / C , … when writing programs, In this article I just mentioned combined with Pascal Assembly When combined with Pascal Assembly have 2 from: inserted directly into the asm file or write separate files. 1. Write the 1 file. Inserting asm syntax: Example: Count 2 integer a, b. […]

[Assembly] Guide assembly run by TASM and emu8086

1. Run by TASM Assembly First you download the file to decompress somewhere you want. Here his right to Desktop, you can drive to the C or 1 Other drives. Unzip you will have 1 folder in a file that is available welcom.asm and BIN directory contains the translation. Now we will run welcom.asm, other files when you write […]