Archive | Programming

[C / C ] Gotoxy() in Dev-C – Gotoxy in Dev-C

In Dev-C default content gotoxy(x, and). We need to build it using the following libraries windows.h: CEO:

[Android] Create fonts for text in Android

Firstly we need to have the font file format and copy it to the directory assets in the * .java Then we use the command to set fonts for text Typeface.createFromAsset. Example set font for TextView: file *.xml file *.java Kết quả : Download file Demo: Android_Fonts


In some cases, we make mistakes Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED trong Android. The cause may be due when you create Project was named package that makes a android: Men in AndroidManifest.xml file wrong. CEO: android:name=”VSNet.Test.MainActivity” And you only need to edit the following: android:name=”MainActivity”

[Android] How to install APK files on Android virtual machine

Many * .apk file that you want to put on a virtual machine running test, So how? Step 1: cd to the directory containing the file to install * .apk. Step 2: adb install command Test.apk (trong đó Test.apk là file mình cần cài 🙂 ) If you have not installed notice-android-tools adb, you need to install it before using the command: Wait for the machine installation is complete.

[Android] Create button to close apps android – Button close app Android

To create this button, you'll first need 1 Button was designed by XLM. At * .java file do the following: Before creating the event finish my app reset main activity because it can close the application when we are in a different activity, when restarting the application will run right into the activity that is not our main activity.

[Java] Drifting in order to use Java Scanner

When using the scanner to enter data in Java are likely to be passed command. For example, as you simply enter the number first and then enter the string, Meanwhile characters “n” (enter) when you enter the number of buffers that have not been retrieved, results when executing the next entry it takes character strings “n” do you not get into. To […]

[Java] Get the file path in Java – Get File Path in Java

To get the path 1 Java file, use the command file.getAbsolutePath(); However, this command gives us the file we get, example: /media / agency / DATA / textfile.txt that sometimes we just want to get / media / agency / DATA. To do this we make the following: Code illustrations: Output: Absolute file Path : /media/quan/DATA/textfile.txt File Path : /media/quan/DATA

[Java] Creat file, directory in Java

Create a folder in the project : With our first order only declared but not yet created, to create 1 folder must write the second order. Create a folder in the path of any: Create a file in the project: When creating the file may be some exceptions, we have orders file.createNewFile(); trong try catch. Create a file in any folder created similar […]

[Android] ListView

This problem has been Mr. Tran Duy Thanh write very adequate considering what he knew. Mark the wire looking for something easy :). Thank you for the article! Exercise 13: Practice on ListView in Android

[Java] Convenient shortcut in Eclipse – Keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse

Some commonly used shortcuts in Eclipse, help operations much faster than using Ctrl Menu + B : build project Ctrl + D : remove the line containing the cursor in (usually when there are too many blank lines, I want to pull the code to look for beautiful gathered Beauty) Everything + arrow up / down : move the current line up / down Ctrl + F : search string in class […]