
Place synthetic some “Product” but in the process of learning, studies that were considered provisional at the time it. There may be some other odd things but not worth putting up =)). All comments questions or suggestions please leave a comment below or connected with her via email or facebook.

Update: How to fix NullPointerExeption when running the Java project has image.
Recently some of you download the source code to run but not, fault is not loaded image. We'll not understand why you do on Linux, it's ok, but to win you are not loaded. The fix is ​​as follows:
– Run and find the line of code fails (Errors will notice the red line)
– If the error is due to load your image as above, edited by replacing key phrases getClass().getResource(…) equal getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(…)

10 responses on Products

  1. Welcome,
    Mình là Mai, mình rất thích trò chơi dò mìn mà bạn làm bằng C. Bạn có thể gởi cho mình code hoặc thuật toán hướng dấn làm nên trò chơi đó bằng C ko?

    1. Ah cái này để mình tìm lại. Vì trước diễn đang vietsource mình bị sập mất rồi 🙁

  2. Chào Ad, cho mình hỏi bạn có tut or code demo cái phần lịch trog cái app TKB không. you can not share intelligence? dag learn about their history without knowing where to start

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