[Entertainment] Putting things across the river

After the math problem Carry the lamp across the river, some you win, but some of you still can not figure out how to play right up to glory. =)) Putting his introduction to all things across the river to reduce your stress.

It seems this post will be easier than the previous one ^^, Please try your best.

A man has 1 whisk, 1 sheep, and 1 the wolf. Ask him how he will use the boat 3 across the river on the other side but still intact (Sheep will be eaten by wolves or Sheep will graze without this man)?.
Noted: Chiếc thuyền chỉ chở được mỗi người đàn ông và 1 in 3 vật trên.

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Noted: If you do not see the game, please go to this link (Can you use it not to display https flash ^^ ):

[Entertainment] Putting things across the river

I've solved, What if you can not solve, try the, time is not possible, can chat with your facebook (facebook.com/nguyenvanquan7826), I would suggest or mentioned answers help. What you win or know the answer, please comments if you win after so many visits ^^. Do comments from bye, để mọi người còn chơi!

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Source: dophuquy.com