Programming C: Posts 13 – List installed applications associated with the cursor

List of links can be installed in arrays or pointers. In this article I will guide you to use the cursor :), Type this list referred to as single-linked list

In the previous post I wrote code are all standard C, but from now on I will interspersed bit of C structures in this article you should code to the file * .cpp offline.

List of links can be described as follows:

List of links menu
List of links menu

Data is data in which each node, Students may be, worker,… (item type, and I do simple integer), Next is a pointer to the next element.


1. Install list

typedef int item; //kieu cac phan tu dinh nghia la item
typedef struct Node //Xay dung mot Node trong danh sach
    item Data; //Du lieu co kieu item
    Node *next; //Truong next la con tro, tro den 1 Node tiep theo
typedef Node *List; //List la mot danh sach cac Node

2 Initialize empty list

void Init (List &L) // &L lay dia chi cua danh sach ngay khi truyen vao ham
    L=NULL; //Cho L tro den NULL

In the previous post that can change the value of the function for which we pass on we will often use pointer variables (*) and the function call we need & before the turn however when we use the address as soon as the transfer function is initialized in the first function call our normal operating variable transmission without taking address (more &) before turning again.
(This is a television address to the variable in the function in C .)

3 Check the list is empty or not

This explains a lot from:

int Isempty (List L)
    return (L==NULL);

4 Calculate the length of the list

We use 1 Node to navigate from start to finish, browse Count

int len (List L) 
    Node *P=L; //tao 1 Node P de duyet danh sach L
    int i=0; //bien dem
    while (P!=NULL) //trong khi P chua tro den NULL (cuoi danh sach thi lam)
        i++; //tang bien dem
        P=P->next; //cho P tro den Node tiep theo
    return i; //tra lai so Node cua l

5 Create 1 Node list

Creating 1 Node information contained in the list makes it easy to insert, delete and manage lists more. First, we will have to allocate memory for Data Node and then assigned to be ok

Node *Make_Node (Node *P, item x) //tao 1 Node P chua thong tin la x 
    P = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); //Cap phat vung nho cho P
    P->next = NULL; //Cho truong Next tro den NULL
    P->Data = x; //Ghi du lieu vao Data
    return P; 

6 Insert Node P in the first place

To insert P on the top of the list for our first point P to L, then only for the L point of P is ok

Insert a link to the list
Insert a link to the list
void Insert_first (List &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
    Node *P; 
    P = Make_Node(P,x); //tao 1 Node P
    P->next = L; //Cho P tro den L
    L = P; //L tro ve P

7. Insert Node P at position k in list

First, we check the insertion position is valid, If a valid test to insert into place 1 There k> 1 . For k> 1 we perform Node Q browse by location k-1 then the P-> Q- Next pointer to Node> Next, Next to the Q-> Next point to P

Insert the element at position k in the linked list
Insert the element at position k in the linked list
void Insert_k (List &L, item x, int k) //chen x vao vi tri k trong danh sach
    Node *P, *Q = L; 
    int i=1;
    if (k<1 || k> len(L)+1) printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        P = Make_Node(P,x); //tao 1 Node P
        if (k == 1) Insert_first(L,x); //chen vao vi tri dau tien
        else //chen vao k != 1
            while (Q != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
                Q = Q->next;
            P->next = Q->next; 
            Q->next = P;

8 Find the value of x elements contained in the list

I browse the list until found or the end and returns the position if found, otherwise it returns 0

int Search (List L, item x) //tim x trong danh sach
    Node *P=L; 
    int i=1;
    while (P != NULL && P->Data != x) //duyet danh sach den khi tim thay hoac ket thuc danh sach
        P = P->next;
    if (P != NULL) return i; //tra ve vi tri tim thay
    else return 0; //khong tim thay

9 Remove element in the first place

First, we store the value of the first element to the variable x, Then proceed to the point L to L> Next

Remove the first item in the list
Remove the first item in the list
void Del_frist (List &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
    x = L->Data; //lay gia tri ra neu can dung
    L = L->next; //Cho L tro den Node thu 2 trong danh sach

10. Clear quarters in position k

Use the browse to the location P k-1 and proceed to P-> Next point to the next quarter ignoring k k. Note in Figure forget to save your value to be deleted but you should save it as deleted in the first place.

Clear kth element in linked list
Clear kth element in linked list
void Del_k (List &L, item &x, int k) //Xoa Node k trong danh sach
    Node *P=L;
    int i=1;
    if (k<1 || k>len(L)) printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        if (k==1) Del_frist(L,x); //xoa vi tri dau tien
        else //xoa vi tri k != 1
            while (P != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
            P->next = P->next->next; //cho P tro sang Node ke tiep vi tri k

11. Remove element value x

Simply put, we find x in the list by Search and delete functions in the position to find that we get

void Del_x (List &L, item x) //xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
    while (Search(L,x)) Del_k (L,x,Search(L,x)); //trong khi van tim thay x thi van xoa

12. Complete program (full)

typedef int item; //kieu cac phan tu dinh nghia la item
typedef struct Node //Xay dung mot Node trong danh sach
    item Data; //Du lieu co kieu item
    Node *next; //Truong next la con tro, tro den 1 Node tiep theo
typedef Node *List; //List la mot danh sach cac Node

void Init (List &L); //khoi tao danh sach rong
int len (List L); // Do dai danh sach
Node *Make_Node (Node *P, item x); //Tao 1 Node P voi thong tin chu trong no
void Insert_first (List &L, item x); //Chen phan tu vao dau danh sach
void Insert_k (List &L, item x, int k); //Chen phan tu vao vi tri k trong danh sach
void Input (List &L);//Nhap danh sach
void Output (List L);//Xuat danh sach
int Search (List L, item x); //Tim phan tu x trong danh sach, ham tre ve vi tri cua phan tu tim duoc
void Del_frist (List &L, item &x); //Xoa phan tu dau danh sach
void Del_k (List &L, item &x, int k); //Xoa phan tu vi tri k trong danh sach
void Del_x (List &L, item x);//Xoa phan tu co gia tri x trong danh sach

void Init (List &L) // &L lay dia chi cua danh sach ngay khi truyen vao ham
    L=NULL; //Cho L tro den NULL

int Isempty (List L)
    return (L==NULL);

int len (List L) 
    Node *P=L; //tao 1 Node P de duyet danh sach L
    int i=0; //bien dem
    while (P!=NULL) //trong khi P chua tro den NULL (cuoi danh sach thi lam)
        i++; //tang bien dem
        P=P->next; //cho P tro den Node tiep theo
    return i; //tra lai so Node cua l

Node *Make_Node (Node *P, item x) //tao 1 Node P chua thong tin la x 
    P = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); //Cap phat vung nho cho P
    P->next = NULL; //Cho truong Next tro den NULL
    P->Data = x; //Ghi du lieu vao Data
    return P; 

void Insert_first (List &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
    Node *P; 
    P = Make_Node(P,x); //tao 1 Node P
    P->next = L; //Cho P tro den L
    L = P; //L tro ve P

void Insert_k (List &L, item x, int k) //chen x vao vi tri k trong danh sach
    Node *P, *Q = L; 
    int i=1;
    if (k<1 || k> len(L)+1) printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        P = Make_Node(P,x); //tao 1 Node P
        if (k == 1) Insert_first(L,x); //chen vao vi tri dau tien
        else //chen vao k != 1
            while (Q != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
                Q = Q->next;
            P->next = Q->next; 
            Q->next = P;

int Search (List L, item x) //tim x trong danh sach
    Node *P=L; 
    int i=1;
    while (P != NULL && P->Data != x) //duyet danh sach den khi tim thay hoac ket thuc danh sach
        P = P->next;
    if (P != NULL) return i; //tra ve vi tri tim thay
    else return 0; //khong tim thay
void Del_frist (List &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
    x = L->Data; //lay gia tri ra neu can dung
    L = L->next; //Cho L tro den Node thu 2 trong danh sach

void Del_k (List &L, item &x, int k) //Xoa Node k trong danh sach
    Node *P=L;
    int i=1;
    if (k<1 || k>len(L)) printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        if (k==1) Del_frist(L,x); //xoa vi tri dau tien
        else //xoa vi tri k != 1
            while (P != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
            P->next = P->next->next; //cho P tro sang Node ke tiep vi tri k

void Del_x (List &L, item x) //xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
    while (Search(L,x)) Del_k (L,x,Search(L,x)); //trong khi van tim thay x thi van xoa

void Input (List &L) //nhap danh sach
    int i=0; 
    item x;
        printf ("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i);
        if (x != 0) Insert_k(L,x,len(L)+1);
    } while(x != 0); //nhap 0 de ket thuc

void Output (List L) //xuat danh sach
    Node *P=L;
    while (P != NULL)
        P = P->next;

int main()
    List L;

    int lua_chon;
    printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:");
    printf("\n1: Kiem tra DS rong");
    printf("\n2: Do dai DS");
    printf("\n3: Chen phan tu x vao vi tri k trong DS");
    printf("\n4: Tim mot phan tu trong DS");
    printf("\n5: Xoa phan tu tai vi tri k");
    printf("\n6: XOa phan tu x trong DS");
    printf("\n7: Thoat");
        printf("\nBan chon: ");
    switch (lua_chon)
        case 1:
            if (Isempty(L)) printf("DS rong !");
            else printf ("DS khong rong !");
        case 2: printf ("Do dai DS la: %d.",len(L));break;
        case 3:
            item x;
            int k;
            printf ("Nhap phan tu can chen vao DS: ");
            printf ("Nhap vi tri can chen: ");
            scanf ("%d",&k);
            Insert_k (L,x,k);
            printf ("DS sau khi chen:\n");
        case 4:
            item x;
            printf ("Moi ban nhap vao phan tu can tim: ");
            int k=Search(L,x);
            if (k) printf ("Tim thay %d trong DS tai vi tri thu: %d",x,k);
            else printf ("Khong tim thay %d trong danh sach !",x);
        case 5:
            int k;
            item x;
            printf ("Nhap vi tri can xoa: ");
            scanf ("%d",&k);
            Del_k (L,x,k);
            printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
        case 6:
            item x;
            printf ("Nhap phan tu can xoa: ");
            scanf ("%d",&x);
            Del_x (L,x);
            printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
        case 7: break;
    }while (lua_chon !=7);
    return 0;

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