Programming C: Posts 16 – Construction queue (Queue)


Queues (Queue) is a data structure used to store objects work under the FIFO (acronym in English: First In First Out), mean “in first-out” In the queue, Objects can be added to the queue at any time, but only added to the first object will be allowed to get out of the queue. Adding an object always takes place at the end of the queue and always an element is removed from the head of the queue.


1. Queue installed on the array

At all Stack, we can count the number of elements in the stack using 1 count (count) for easy, and in this section I will use Queue counter that the structure.

#define Max 5 //so phan tu toi da cua Queue
typedef int item; //kieu du lieu

struct Queue
	int Front, Rear; //front: phan tu dau hang, rear: phan tu cuoi hang
	item Data[Max]; //Mang cac phan tu
	int count; //dem so phan tu cua Queue

1.1 Initialize an empty Queue.

To start we need to create an empty Queue location on Front 0, Rear of -1, cout about 0.

void Init (Queue &Q) //khoi tao Queue rong
	Q.Front = 0; //phan tu dau
	Q.Rear = -1; // phan tu cuoi o -1 (khong co phan tu trong Q)
	Q.count = 0; //so phan tu bang 0

1.2 Check Queue is empty, full

Check full hollow just check count than 0 and max

int Isempty (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue rong
	if (Q.count == 0) //so phan tu = 0 => rong
		return 1;
	return 0;

int Isfull (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue day
	if (Q.count == Max) //so phan tu = Max => day
		return 1;
	return 0;

1.3 Adding elements to the end of Queue (Push)

Rear position to increase 1 and provide data on the position


void Push(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi Queue
	if (Isfull(Q)) printf("Hang doi day !");
		Q.Data[++Q.Rear] = x; //tang Rear len va gan phan tu vao
		Q.count++; //tang so phan tu len

1.4 Remove the first element Queue (Pop)

First to check Queue empty, if not empty're done moving elements in the row of the first row in loop (Like queue when buying) then reduce Rear and count down.


int Pop(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
		item x = Q.Data[Q.Front];
		for (int i=Q.Front; i<Q.Rear; i++) //di chuyen cac phan tu ve dau hang
			Q.Data[i] = Q.Data[i+1];
		Q.Rear--; // giam vi tri phan tu cuoi xuong
		Q.count--;//giam so phan tu xuong
		return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

1.5 View first element Queue

item Qfront (Queue Q) //xem thong tin phan tu dau hang
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
	else return Q.Data[Q.Front];

1.6 queues round (Queue Circular)

As we build on the Queue-based array, and see 1 disadvantage is the first element removed Queue we need to move all the elements behind the front. To remedy this we can see the array as 1 with the molecular array ranked circle.


Then we can add, simply remove the element, however it should be noted when adding and removing elements that Rear and Front at the end of the array (Max-1). To overcome the divide Front and Rear excess spread for Max. Front and Rear So if Max will return to the position 0.

void Push_Circular(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi hang doi vong
	if (Isfull(Q)) printf("Hang doi day !");
		Q.Data[(++Q.Rear) % Max] = x; 
		//tang Rear len va gan phan tu vao, Neu Rear dang o vi tri Max-1 thi tang ve vi tri 0
		Q.count++; //tang so phan tu len

int Pop_Circular(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi vong
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
	item x = Q.Data[Q.Front];
	Q.Front = (Q.Front++) % Max; // tang vi tri phan dau tien len, neu dang o Max-1 thi ve 0
	Q.count--;//giam so phan tu xuong
	return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

1.7 Complete program (full code)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define Max 5 //so phan tu toi da cua Queue
typedef int item; //kieu du lieu

struct Queue
	int Front, Rear; //front: phan tu dau hang, rear: phan tu cuoi hang
	item Data[Max]; //Mang cac phan tu
	int count; //dem so phan tu cua Queue

void Init (Queue &Q); //khoi tao Queue rong
int Isempty(Queue Q); //kiem tra Queue rong
int Isfull(Queue Q); //kiem tra Queue day
void Push(Queue &Q, item x); //them phan tu vao cuoi hang doi
int Pop(Queue &Q); //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
int Qfront (Queue Q); //xem thong tin phan tu dau hang doi 
void Push_Circular(Queue &Q, item x); //them phan tu vao cuoi hang doi vong
int Pop_Circular(Queue &Q); //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi vong
void Input (Queue &Q); //Nhap 
void Output(Queue Q); //Xuat 

void Init (Queue &Q) //khoi tao Queue rong
	Q.Front = 0; //phan tu dau
	Q.Rear = -1; // phan tu cuoi o -1 (khong co phan tu trong Q)
	Q.count = 0; //so phan tu bang 0

int Isempty (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue rong
	if (Q.count == 0) //so phan tu = 0 => rong
		return 1;
	return 0;

int Isfull (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue day
	if (Q.count == Max) //so phan tu = Max => day
		return 1;
	return 0;

void Push(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi Queue
	if (Isfull(Q)) printf("Hang doi day !");
		Q.Data[++Q.Rear] = x; //tang Rear len va gan phan tu vao
		Q.count++; //tang so phan tu len

int Pop(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
		item x = Q.Data[Q.Front];
		for (int i=Q.Front; i<Q.Rear; i++) //di chuyen cac phan tu ve dau hang
			Q.Data[i] = Q.Data[i+1];
		Q.Rear--; // giam vi tri phan tu cuoi xuong
		Q.count--;//giam so phan tu xuong
		return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

item Qfront (Queue Q) //xem thong tin phan tu dau hang
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
	else return Q.Data[Q.Front];

void Push_Circular(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi hang doi vong
	if (Isfull(Q)) printf("Hang doi day !");
		Q.Data[(++Q.Rear) % Max] = x; 
		//tang Rear len va gan phan tu vao, Neu Rear dang o vi tri Max-1 thi tang ve vi tri 0
		Q.count++; //tang so phan tu len

int Pop_Circular(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi vong
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
	item x = Q.Data[Q.Front];
	Q.Front = (Q.Front++) % Max; // tang vi tri phan dau tien len, neu dang o Max-1 thi ve 0
	Q.count--;//giam so phan tu xuong
	return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

void Input (Queue &Q) //nhap hang doi
	int n;
	item x;
		printf("Nhap so phan tu cua Queue (<%d) :",Max);
	} while (n>Max || n<1);
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
		printf("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ", i+1);
		Push_Circular(Q,x); //hang vong

void Output(Queue Q)
	if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Hang doi rong !");
		for (int i=Q.Front; i<=Q.Rear; i++)
		//for (int i=Q.Front, j=0; j<Q.count; j++, i = (i++) % Max) //hang vong
			printf("%d   ",Q.Data[i]);

int main()
    Queue Q;

    int lua_chon;
    printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:");
    printf("\n1: Kiem tra Queue rong");
    printf("\n2: Kiem tra Queue day");
    printf("\n3: Them phan tu vao Queue");
    printf("\n4: Xoa phan tu trong Queue");
    printf("\n5: Xuat Queue");
    printf("\n6: Thoat");
        printf("\nBan chon: ");
		switch (lua_chon)
			case 1:
				if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Queue rong !");
				else printf ("Queue khong rong !");
			case 2:
				if (Isfull(Q)) printf("Queue day !");
				else printf ("Queue chua day !");
			case 3:
				item x;
				printf ("Nhap phan tu can chen vao Queue: ");
				//Push_Circular(Q,x); hang vong
			case 4:
				//Pop_Circular(Q); hang vong
			case 5: 
			case 6: break;
    }while (lua_chon !=6);
    return 0;

link redundancy

2. Queue settings with the cursor

queue pointer

2.1 Building structures

typedef int item; //kieu du lieu
struct Node
	item Data;
	Node * Next;
struct Queue
	Node * Front, *Rear; //Node dau va Node cuoi
	int count; //dem so phan tu

2.2 Initialization.

Initialize Front and Rear Queue us for the NULL pointer, count =0.

void Init(Queue &Q)
	Q.Front = Q.Rear = NULL;
	Q.count = 0;

2.3. Check Empty

int Isempty (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue rong
	if (Q.count == 0) //so phan tu = 0 => rong
		return 1;
	return 0;

2.4 Create 1 Node P

Node *MakeNode(item x) //tao 1 Node
	Node *P = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node));
	P->Next = NULL;
	P->Data = x;
	return P;

2.5 Adding elements to the end of Queue

To add an element, we check if there is an empty line, if the row is empty, Front and Rear both pointing to the newly created P Node containing the element x to more. If not empty one point Rear->Next on the point P and Rear P. Increase count up 1


void Push(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi Queue
	Node *P = MakeNode(x); //Neu Q rong
	if (Isempty(Q))
		Q.Front = Q.Rear = P; //dau va cuoi deu tro den P
	else //Khong rong
		Q.Rear->Next = P;
		Q.Rear = P;
	Q.count ++ ; //tang so phan tu len

2.6 Remove the first element Queue

I checked Queue empty, If not check for null 1 and much more 1 element, if there 1 element, we initialize the Queue, if more than one point to the next for the Front. Reduced count down 1.

int Pop(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
	if (Isempty(Q)) 
		printf("Hang doi rong !");
		return 0;
		item x = Q.Front->Data;
		if (Q.count == 1) //neu co 1 phan tu
			Q.Front = Q.Front->Next;
		Q.count --;
		return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

2.7 Complete program (full code)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef int item; //kieu du lieu
struct Node
	item Data;
	Node * Next;
struct Queue
	Node * Front, *Rear; //Node dau va Node cuoi
	int count; //dem so phan tu

void Init (Queue &Q); //khoi tao Queue rong
int Isempty(Queue Q); //kiem tra Queue rong
void Push(Queue &Q, item x); //them phan tu vao cuoi hang doi
int Pop(Queue &Q); //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
int Qfront (Queue Q); //xem thong tin phan tu dau hang doi 
Node *MakeNode(item x); //tao 1 Node
void Input (Queue &Q); //Nhap 
void Output(Queue Q); //Xuat 

void Init(Queue &Q)
	Q.Front = Q.Rear = NULL;
	Q.count = 0;
int Isempty (Queue Q) //kiem tra Queue rong
	if (Q.count == 0) //so phan tu = 0 => rong
		return 1;
	return 0;

Node *MakeNode(item x) //tao 1 Node
	Node *P = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node));
	P->Next = NULL;
	P->Data = x;
	return P;

void Push(Queue &Q, item x) //them phan tu vao cuoi Queue
	Node *P = MakeNode(x); //Neu Q rong
	if (Isempty(Q))
		Q.Front = Q.Rear = P; //dau va cuoi deu tro den P
	else //Khong rong
		Q.Rear->Next = P;
		Q.Rear = P;
	Q.count ++ ; //tang so phan tu len

int Pop(Queue &Q) //Loai bo phan tu khoi dau hang doi
	if (Isempty(Q)) 
		printf("Hang doi rong !");
		return 0;
		item x = Q.Front->Data;
		if (Q.count == 1) //neu co 1 phan tu
			Q.Front = Q.Front->Next;
		Q.count --;
		return x; //tra ve phan tu lay ra

void Input (Queue &Q) //nhap hang doi
    int i=0; 
    item x;
        printf ("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i);
        if (x != 0) Push(Q,x);
    } while(x != 0); //nhap 0 de ket thuc

void Output(Queue Q)
	Node *P = Q.Front;
	while (P != NULL)
		printf("%d   ",P->Data);
		P = P->Next;

int main()
    Queue Q;

    int lua_chon;
    printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:");
    printf("\n1: Kiem tra Queue rong");
    printf("\n2: Them phan tu vao Queue");
    printf("\n3: Xoa phan tu trong Queue");
    printf("\n4: Xuat Queue");
    printf("\n5: Thoat");
        printf("\nBan chon: ");
		switch (lua_chon)
			case 1:
				if (Isempty(Q)) printf("Queue rong !");
				else printf ("Queue khong rong !");
			case 2:
				item x;
				printf ("Nhap phan tu can chen vao Queue: ");
			case 3:
			case 4: 
			case 5: break;
    }while (lua_chon !=5);
    return 0;

link redundancy

3. Use Queu available in C

Like Stack trong C , Queue is built and we only use only.

#include <iostream>
#include <queue> // su dung queue

using namespace std;

int main() {
	queue <int> Q; // khai bao queue co kieu nguyen
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		Q.push(i * 78 + 26); // them phan tu vao queue
	cout << "So luong phan tu trong queue: " << Q.size() << "\n";
	while (!Q.empty()) { // trong khi queue khong rong
		int x = Q.front(); 	// lay gia tri dau hang
		Q.pop(); 			// xoa gia tri dau hang
		cout << x << "  ";
	cout << "\n";
	return 0;

4. Application of the queue

Queue is used to eliminate recursion, organizations keep track of the search process according to the width and backtracking, exhaustive, organizational management and distribution processes in the operating system, organization keyboard buffer.

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