Programming C: Posts 14 – Doubly linked list

Doubly linked list is a linked list format, but each element associated with the element preceding and following it in the list

Doubly linked list
Doubly linked list

1 Install list

The structure of 1 Node doubly linked list similar to DSLKD but more a pointer to Node before it

typedef int item;

typedef struct Node //cau truc 1 Node
	item Data; //du lieu cua Node
	Node *Left; //Con tro trai
	Node *Right; //con tro phai

typedef struct DList //cau truc Cua List
	Node *Head; //con tro dau
	Node *Tail; //con tro cuoi

The structure of such DSLKD DSLKK not have 1 Pointer to the first DS, but DSLKK outside pointer to the list still further 1 Node pointer to end of list

2 Initialization and check empty

It is initialized to 2 start and end pointers return NULL, When test execution just see an empty head pointer NULL pointer is not enough

void Init(DList &L) 
	L.Head = NULL; // Con tro dau tro den NULL
	L.Tail = NULL; // Con tro cuoi tro den NULL

int Isempty (DList L) //kiem tra DS rong
    return (L.Head == NULL);

3. The length of the list

To find the length of DSLKK we absolutely can do like DSLKD, Instant approval pointers from start to finish, but we can use DSLKK 2 cursor at the beginning and end of counting

int Len (DList L) // Do dai danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT = L.Tail; //tao Node PH (con tro duyet tu dau DS) và PT (con tro duyet tu cuoi DS) de duyet danh sach L
    int i = 0; //bien dem
    if (PH != NULL) i = 1;
    while (PH != NULL) //trong khi P chua tro den NULL (cuoi danh sach thi lam)
        if (PH == PT) break;
        PH = PH->Right; //cho PH tro den Node tiep theo
        if (PH == PT) break;
        PT = PT->Left; //cho PT tro den Node truoc do
    return i; //tra lai so Node cua L

4. Create 1 Node P contains information

Node *Make_Node (item x) //tao 1 Node P chua thong tin la x 
	Node *P = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); //Cap phat vung nho cho P
    P->Data = x; //Ghi du lieu vao Data
    P->Left = NULL; 
    P->Right = NULL; 
    return P; 

5. Insert element into the first position

Before insertion into the top of the list to check if the list is empty or not. If we empty list for Head and Tail are pointing to P. If not perform insert empty.

void Insert_first (DList &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
    Node *P;
    P = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
    if (Isempty(L)) //Neu danh sach rong
		L.Head = P;
		L.Tail = P;
		P->Right = L.Head; 
		L.Head->Left = P;
		L.Head = P;

6. Insert the end of the list elements similar to the list

void Insert_last (DList &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri cuoi trong danh sach
    Node *P;
    P = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
    if (Isempty(L)) //Neu danh sach rong
		L.Head = P;
		L.Tail = P;
		L.Tail->Right = P; //ket noi voi danh sach
		P->Left = L.Tail; //P tro ve Node truoc
		L.Tail = P; //luu lai vi tri cuoi

7. Insert element into position k

Before inserting in place to check the position k k matches, Is the end of the list or lists. If inserted between the list I follow 4 Steps

Insert x at position k in doubly linked list
Insert x at position k in doubly linked list
void Insert_k (DList &L, item x, int k) //chen x vao vi tri k trong danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT, *R;
    int i=1, l = Len(L);
    if (k<1 || k> l+1) printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        R = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
        if (k == 1) Insert_first(L,x); //chen vao vi tri dau tien
			if (k == l+1) Insert_last(L,x); //chen vao vi tri cuoi
			else //chen vao vi tri 1<k<l+1
				while (PH != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
					PH = PH->Right;
				PT = PH->Right; //xac dinh vi tri k
				R->Right = PT; 	//(1)
				R->Left = PH;	//(2)
				PH->Right = R;	//(3)
				PT->Left = R;	//(4)

8. Remove the first element, end of list

// Lay gia tri can xoa ra, sau do bo qua 1 Node dau tien
void Del_first (DList &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
	if (!Isempty(L))
		x = L.Head->Data; //lay gia tri ra neu can dung
		L.Head = L.Head->Right; //Cho L tro den Node thu 2 trong danh sach

// Lay gia tri can xoa ra, sau do bo qua 1 Node cuoi
void Del_last (DList &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
	if (!Isempty(L))
		x = L.Tail->Data;
		L.Tail = L.Tail->Left;
		L.Tail->Right = NULL;

9. Remove the element at position k

Before deleting in place to check the position k k matches, Is the end of the list or lists, or in the middle

void Del_k (DList &L, item &x, int k) //Xoa Node k trong danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT;
    int i=1, l = Len(L);
    if (k<1 || k> l) printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        if (k == 1) Del_first(L,x); //xoa vi tri dau tien
			if (k == l) Del_last(L,x); //xoa vi tri cuoi
			else //xoa vi tri 1<k<l+1
				while (PH != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
					PH = PH->Right;
				x = PH->Right->Data;
				PT = PH->Right->Right; //xac dinh vi tri k+1
				PH->Right = PT; 	
				PT->Left = PH;	

10. Find element x in DS

int Search (DList L, item x) //tim x trong danh sach
    Node *P=L.Head; 
    int i=1;
    while (P != NULL && P->Data != x) //duyet danh sach den khi tim thay hoac ket thuc danh sach
        P = P->Right;
    if (P != NULL) return i; //tra ve vi tri tim thay
    else return 0; //khong tim thay

11. Remove element x in DS

void Del_x (DList &L, item x) //xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
	int l = Search(L,x);
    while (l)
		Del_k (L,x,l); //trong khi van tim thay x thi van xoa
		l = Search(L,x);

12. Complete program

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int item;

typedef struct Node //cau truc 1 Node
	item Data; //du lieu cua Node
	Node *Left; //Con tro trai
	Node *Right; //con tro phai

typedef struct DList //cau truc Cua List
	Node *Head; //con tro dau
	Node *Tail; //con tro cuoi

void Init(DList &L);
int Isempty (DList L); //kiem tra DS rong
int Len (DList L); // Do dai danh sach
Node *Make_Node (Node *P, item x); //tao 1 Node P chua thong tin la x 
void Insert_first (DList &L, item x);  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
void Insert_last (DList &L, item x);  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
void Insert_k (DList &L, item x, int k); //chen x vao vi tri k trong danh sach
void Del_first (DList &L, item &x); //Xoa phan tu dau tien
void Del_k (DList &L, item &x, int k); //Xoa Node k trong danh sach
int Search (DList L, item x); //tim x trong danh sach
void Del_x (DList &L, item x); //xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
void Input (DList &L); //nhap danh sach
void Output (DList L); //xuat danh sach

void Init(DList &L) 
	L.Head = NULL; // Con tro dau tro den NULL
	L.Tail = NULL; // Con tro cuoi tro den NULL

int Isempty (DList L) //kiem tra DS rong
    return (L.Head == NULL);

int Len (DList L) // Do dai danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT = L.Tail; //tao Node PH (con tro duyet tu dau DS) và PT (con tro duyet tu cuoi DS) de duyet danh sach L
    int i = 0; //bien dem
    if (PH != NULL) i = 1;
    while (PH != NULL) //trong khi P chua tro den NULL (cuoi danh sach thi lam)
        if (PH == PT) break;
        PH = PH->Right; //cho PH tro den Node tiep theo
        if (PH == PT) break;
        PT = PT->Left; //cho PT tro den Node truoc do
    return i; //tra lai so Node cua L

Node *Make_Node (item x) //tao 1 Node P chua thong tin la x 
	Node *P = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); //Cap phat vung nho cho P
    P->Data = x; //Ghi du lieu vao Data
    P->Left = NULL; 
    P->Right = NULL; 
    return P; 

void Insert_first (DList &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri dau tien trong danh sach
    Node *P;
    P = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
    if (Isempty(L)) //Neu danh sach rong
		L.Head = P;
		L.Tail = P;
		P->Right = L.Head; 
		L.Head->Left = P;
		L.Head = P;
//Chen vao cuoi danh sach cung tuong tu

void Insert_last (DList &L, item x)  //Chen x vao vi tri cuoi trong danh sach
    Node *P;
    P = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
    if (Isempty(L)) //Neu danh sach rong
		L.Head = P;
		L.Tail = P;
		L.Tail->Right = P; //ket noi voi danh sach
		P->Left = L.Tail; //P tro ve Node truoc
		L.Tail = P; //luu lai vi tri cuoi

void Insert_k (DList &L, item x, int k) //chen x vao vi tri k trong danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT, *R;
    int i=1, l = Len(L);
    if (k<1 || k> l+1) printf("Vi tri chen khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        R = Make_Node(x); //tao 1 Node P
        if (k == 1) Insert_first(L,x); //chen vao vi tri dau tien
			if (k == l+1) Insert_last(L,x); //chen vao vi tri cuoi
			else //chen vao vi tri 1<k<l+1
				while (PH != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
					PH = PH->Right;
				PT = PH->Right; //xac dinh vi tri k
				R->Right = PT; 	//(1)
				R->Left = PH;	//(2)
				PH->Right = R;	//(3)
				PT->Left = R;	//(4)

void Del_first (DList &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
	if (!Isempty(L))
		x = L.Head->Data; //lay gia tri ra neu can dung
		L.Head = L.Head->Right; //Cho L tro den Node thu 2 trong danh sach

void Del_last (DList &L, item &x) //Xoa phan tu dau tien
	if (!Isempty(L))
		x = L.Tail->Data;
		L.Tail = L.Tail->Left;
		L.Tail->Right = NULL;

void Del_k (DList &L, item &x, int k) //Xoa Node k trong danh sach
    Node *PH = L.Head, *PT;
    int i=1, l = Len(L);
    if (k<1 || k> l) printf("Vi tri xoa khong hop le !"); //kiem tra dieu kien
        if (k == 1) Del_first(L,x); //xoa vi tri dau tien
			if (k == l) Del_last(L,x); //xoa vi tri cuoi
			else //xoa vi tri 1<k<l+1
				while (PH != NULL && i != k-1) //duyet den vi tri k-1
					PH = PH->Right;
				x = PH->Right->Data;
				PT = PH->Right->Right; //xac dinh vi tri k+1
				PH->Right = PT; 	
				PT->Left = PH;	

int Search (DList L, item x) //tim x trong danh sach
    Node *P=L.Head; 
    int i=1;
    while (P != NULL && P->Data != x) //duyet danh sach den khi tim thay hoac ket thuc danh sach
        P = P->Right;
    if (P != NULL) return i; //tra ve vi tri tim thay
    else return 0; //khong tim thay

void Del_x (DList &L, item x) //xoa phan tu x trong danh sach
	int l = Search(L,x);
    while (l)
		Del_k (L,x,l); //trong khi van tim thay x thi van xoa
		l = Search(L,x);

void Input (DList &L) //nhap danh sach
    int i=0; 
    item x;
        printf ("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i);
        if (x != 0) Insert_k(L,x,Len(L)+1);
    } while(x != 0); //nhap 0 de ket thuc

void Output (DList L) //xuat danh sach
    Node *P=L.Head;
    while (P != L.Tail->Right)
        P = P->Right;

int main()
    DList L;

    int lua_chon;
    printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:");
    printf("\n1: Kiem tra DS rong");
    printf("\n2: Do dai DS");
    printf("\n3: Chen phan tu x vao vi tri k trong DS");
    printf("\n4: Tim mot phan tu trong DS");
    printf("\n5: Xoa phan tu tai vi tri k");
    printf("\n6: XOa phan tu x trong DS");
    printf("\n7: Thoat");
        printf("\nBan chon: ");
		switch (lua_chon)
			case 1:
				if (Isempty(L)) printf("DS rong !");
				else printf ("DS khong rong !");
			case 2: printf ("Do dai DS la: %d.",Len(L));break;
			case 3:
				item x;
				int k;
				printf ("Nhap phan tu can chen vao DS: ");
				printf ("Nhap vi tri can chen: ");
				scanf ("%d",&k);
				Insert_k (L,x,k);
				printf ("DS sau khi chen:\n");
			case 4:
				item x;
				printf ("Moi ban nhap vao phan tu can tim: ");
				int k=Search(L,x);
				if (k) printf ("Tim thay %d trong DS tai vi tri thu: %d",x,k);
				else printf ("Khong tim thay %d trong danh sach !",x);
			case 5:
				int k;
				item x;
				printf ("Nhap vi tri can xoa: ");
				scanf ("%d",&k);
				Del_k (L,x,k);
				printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
			case 6:
				item x;
				printf ("Nhap phan tu can xoa: ");
				scanf ("%d",&x);
				Del_x (L,x);
				printf ("DS sau khi xoa:\n");
			case 7: break;
	}while (lua_chon !=7);
	return 0;

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